The Boss The Maid ( COMPLETE CHAPTER).

 The Boss The Maid

chapter 1

😏 Richard’s pov 😏
“Christabel!! Christabel!!” I almost yelled out my lungs.
‘where the hell is she? I hope she’s not in her room still sleeping’ I thought as I was about going upstairs when I saw her coming.
“oga good morning sir, please don’t angry with me” she said as I eyed her.
“Whatever, just get me my breakfast” I turned to go but stopped and turned again.
“And one more thing, you must wake up as fast as you can in the morning, don’t let this repeat itself.. okay?” I said and she nodded.
“Better” I breathe out and head to my bedroom.
I got to my room and lay on the bed and start thinking of my business with Mr Kingsley tomorrow morning which is Monday.
sorry, I forgot to introduce myself…hmm.. I don’t really have much to say about me. Am Richard Williams,and am just twenty-six. I took over Williams cooperation after my dad retirement as the CEO, I had a girlfriend but we broke up two months ago, coz I caught her having an affair with another guy and this not the first time she’s doing this… I decided not to date any other girl coz I know girls are the same. my parents had been giving me a lot of troubles just for me to get married but I don’t want to fall in love again.. just don’t want to. I think that all for now.
“where is that girl? Haven’t she prepared the meal since?” I asked myself.
few minutes, I heard a knock on the door, I sluggishly stood up, opened the door and saw Christabel.
“What?” I asked.
“oga your food is ready” she said with her head down.
“oh! Am coming, let me take my phone”
“you can go” I added.
“OK sir” she turned to leave, I went in to take my phone and head out to the dinning.
I sat down, and signalled her to open the food and she did.
“sir, I cooked indomie and egg, since you does not telling me what to cook” she said twisting her face.
“it’s okay, but can’t you just speak good English for once” I said.
“ah! sir, sorry to say oo, I does not good for English” she replied twisting her face again.
“you know what, I don’t care if you know English or not, just speak good English” I almost shouted, I don’t know what wrong with me this morning.
And I guess she’s bad in English, I wonder if she go to school.
“sorry case sir, I will tried” she said and I glared at her.
I turned to my food and began eating, she’s really good in cooking, she’s walks towards the kitchen.
“Christabel, get me a juice in the refrigerator”
“OK sir” she quickly went in and in a minute, she’s out.
“Here I came oga, let me opening it for you” she said and I paused what I was eating.
“you said what!!?” I asked as my eyes widen and continued my food again.
“oga sir, I saying let me opening the juice for you, while you ate your food” she answered.
I choked, she quickly handed me water while I drank up to two glasses of water.
“you know what? just leave here” I said before she kills me with another English.
urrghh… she’s really bad in English..
How was it? 💞 should I continue? 💕

The Boss The Maid

chapter 2

🍮Richard’s pov🍮
she turned, and start going to the kitchen. I stared at her.
I tried removing my eyes but couldn’t and soon it landed on her butt.
I quickly removed my eyes. what am I looking at? geez!
I finished my food.
I went to the sitting room and turned on the television and watch one of my favorite channels.
Christabel’s pov
‘well, it isn’t my fault I speak bad English’ I thought as I was arranging and cleaning the kitchen.
Am Christabel Desmond, am twenty-three years of age. I just finished my education a year ago and couldn’t find a job, my parents had to push me out to go look for a job to do and not sit at home, I couldn’t go coz I felt tired of looking for a job but soon I decided to try even if it just a cleaner job and that’s how I landed here.
Is not that I can’t speak English, I do speak English fluently, but I decided to keep it to myself and pretend like an illiterate. moreover, I don’t want to lose this job even if it’s small, it really precious to me. That’s all I can say.
soon, I was done with the cleaning and arranging. I came out and saw my boss watching TV but it seems his head is turning left and right.
‘wait! Is he sleeping or what?’ I thought and soon his head was on the couch.
‘I think he is asleep’
‘should I go wake him and tell him to go inside?’ I asked myself.
‘That’s none of my business anyway’ I turned to go to my room, but looked back and I don’t know when my legs carry me to the sitting room.
No choice.
I bent down and looked at his face, he’s so handsome, cute, gorgeous even in his sleep, he still look wonderful.
‘wait, Am I really saying this? what’s wrong with you Christabel? you are now crushing on your boss now?’ I slapped my face so as not to think of those thoughts again.
I tapped him at his shoulder, but I think he is deeply asleep coz he isn’t waking up.
“sir, sir please wakes up” I tapped him the fourth time.
he opened his eyes slowly and looked at me.
“sir, you have go to your room and slept there now” I stood uprightly.
“OK, thanks” he stood up and walks to the staircase, he reached the first stair and turned.
“Christabel, when it’s 2pm wake me up, we are going to the market to buy foodstuffs” he said.
‘wait.. did he say we?’
How can a wealthy man like him be doing in the market, that’s not my business anyway.
“OK sir, but sir how can you goes to market, I can goes alone” I answered and he turned to me completely.
“That’s how I do, sometimes I go by myself and that doesn’t have effects on me and moreover, you don’t know the types of things I want, so don’t complain any further cause am really tired right now” he replied.
“OK sir, no offenses, as you wishes I will does” I smiled at my incorrect English.
“This your English is really making me mad, I really need to sleep ” he turned towards the stairs and to his room.
I rested my back on the couch as I sat down.
‘life still goes on’ I thought and changed the channel.

chapter 3

Christabel’s pov
🕧Exactly 1:30pm, I quickly went to my room and changed into a comfortable yellow short sleeves and a blue jean trouser, then put on one of my slippers and combed my hair.
I came down when I was done, I looked at the time it was 1:46pm, I went to the kitchen to check if I could see any shopping bag and luckily, I found one.
‘Thank God’ I muttered.
I went to the sitting room and dropped the shopping bag on the couch and climbed the stairs to go call my boss.
In the room.
I knocked the door, there wasn’t an answer, so I opened the door and entered, his room looks superb, I wish this could be my room.
my eyes landed on him, he was still sleeping on his king size bed comfortably.
“sir please wakes up”
he moved to the other side of the bed, I thought he wanted to stand up but he slept back.
‘which kind of sleep is this’
“sir, please wakes up, it already 2pm” I said, and looked around and saw the time 1:56pm.
‘He’s still sleeping, I know what to do’ I said within.
I went to the edge of the bed, and removed the duvet that covers his legs. I dragged his legs a little out of the bed. arrghh… his body is too heavy!!
I went for his head too and raised it up, then his whole body.
Gosh! I had to use my whole strength.
‘I just hope am not trespassing my boundary’
“sir, it’s 2pm already”
No reply, his eyes were still shut while he was sitting on the bed.
A thought struck my mind. I rushed downstairs to the kitchen, took a bowl containing water and walked back to his room.
“sir, if you don’t wake up, I think this will do” I said silently.
I deep my hand into the water and splashed it on his face, he jerked and cleaned his face with his left hand.
‘Good, I think his waking up’
“urrghh!!.. what the h…” I cut him off by pouring the whole water on his head.
oh! my God
‘God, what have I done? I will be fired in the next minutes’
‘All I need is to start packing my load’
“Am sorry sir.. I thoughts you… ”
“Will you shut up?” he barked angrily, his eyes was now wide open.
“You thought what” he asked still angry.
“sir, I thoughts you wanted to sleeps again” I answered quietly.
“And so? you don’t have the right to splash water on my face talk more of pouring the whole water” I was shivering like a hen that just got drenched by the rain.
“sir, am a sorry, please forgives me” I went on my knees.
‘I should have wait a minute more, though that serves him right’
‘he should have wake up while I was using my whole strength on him but God, my job is at stake’
” I don’t have your time now, when we come back from the market then, I will know what to do with you” he said and walks to his bathroom 🛀.
I quickly stand up, went downstairs and wait for him.
soon, he was done and I could see him approaching.
he’s so handsome in those yellow shirt and blue trouser with a lovely blue sandals.
He took his car keys while I took the shopping bag and we both head out.

chapter 4

Christabel’s pov
At the market.
“Arrgh… it’s crowded today” I said silently as I come down from the car.
“Buy your pepper”🚺 A woman shouted.
“We sell yams, sweet potatoes here”🚺 Another woman shouted.
“Here’s your fresh vegetables”🚺
“We sell groundnut oil, palm oil, okro, locust beans here”🚺
Different traders were advertising their goods .
soon, we walked past them and entered into the interior market.
“Oga Richard, you no buy beans today?” A woman in her forties asked.
“hmm.. not today, I still have at home” he replied.
“OK..but your wife fine oo” she just threw the bomb 💣.
I looked at him, I think he’s speechless.
I wanted to talk but I kept quiet coz I don’t want to fvck up with my illiteracy words.
“erm… MA, she’s not my wife, she just my maid” he finally answered.
“oh! But you two were wearing the same colour of clothes, well at least if you are not his wife you would be his girlfriend.
it was then we both looked at our clothes and truthfully, it was the same colour.
what’s happening?
He looked me and I quickly brought my face down.
“MA.. we would be leaving.. bye” he quickly said and dragged me.
“You never told me we were wearing the same colour of clothes” he snarled.
‘Hey, calm down’ I said within.
“sir, I does not knowing”
“God! people will think we are couple” he said still dragging me till we reached the meat seller.
“Customer, you don come! Am coming make I bring your meat” he went into his shop and came out with a polythene bag.
“So, how much is this?” he asked.
“This one is just #4000 Naira and as you can see it’s good” The man whose look is like an aboki.
“What!? you saying this one #4000, and you thinking we will buying it, this small one that does not reach #500” I half yelled.
The man was giving me a ‘who are you’ look.
“Christabel are you okay? I wasn’t complaining about the meat” my boss shouted.
“sir, this man is a robber, his robbing your money and you does not knowing. see oga, gives him #1000 he will collect it” I answered.
“Now I know you are stupid, sir am sorry for the disturbance” he apologized to the man.
he was about giving the man exactly the #4000 coz I counted it with my pure eyes. I collected the money from the long neck man and counted #1500 and give it to the man.
‘Am crazy right? of course I am ‘
I put the remaining balance into my pocket and take the meat from the counter.
He should be thankful that I gave him #1500. I turned and looked at the man and my boss they were super speechless.
“Sir Richard, this your wife is….. ” he shut him up.
“She’s not my wife, she’s just my maid for God’s sake” he said almost angry.
“hmm… And you both are wearing the same colour of clothes” The man replied.
“it was just a mistake”
“OK, if you say so, but she’s crazy, I mean giving me #1500 for this meat. well it because you are my customer, I will accept but don’t bring her here again” The man answered and take a quick glance at me.
‘Now I know, this man is a thief, just because he’s rich.
‘ I will do anything to make me go alone another day, then we shall see’ I smirked.
we bought everything we needed and I feel happy going out with him to the market, he got so many customers calling him here and there and also calling me his wife or even girlfriend.
we entered the car and drove quietly.


Chapter 5

🍮Mrs Williams pov🍮
“Gift get me water in the refrigerator” I said as I continue watching television.
“OK ma”
“Am thinking of going to our son’s house today, darling” I said turning to my husband.
“Well you can but why not make it tomorrow”
“Hmm… okay, let me call him” I replied.
I took my phone and dialed his phone number, soon he picked it.
📱”Hello mom”
📱”Hello my son, how are you doing” I answered.
📱”Am doing good mum”
📱”Richy, am calling to inform you that am coming to your house tomorrow ” I smiled after saying that.
📱”What!? okay, but please don’t bring any girl’s picture here coz am not ready” he answered.
oh! he had noticed me already.
📱”okay son, I won’t but…”
📱”But what mom?”
📱”Nothing son, don’t worry, expect me tomorrow” I quickly cut the call.
I signed, I really want to carry my grandchildren.
“Darling, what’s it?” my husband jerked me out of thought.
“Nothing much, am just thinking of our son” I looked at him.
“Well, it’s nothing to worry about, very soon Richard is going to get married okay?”
“yeah, very soon, I can’t wait to carry my grandchildren” I was relieved a little.
“MA, here is the water you asked for” gift said as she placed the water on the table and turned to go.
I drank the water a little and placed my head on my handsome husband’s shoulder.
Richard’s pov
“God! my mom is coming again, I just pray she didn’t bring any girl’s picture or talk to me about marriage ” I finished my food and called Christabel to come clear the table.
I stood up and went to my room, seeing her still make me remember what she did at the market today.
‘she’s really funny and crazy’ I smiled.
‘wait! did I just smiled now? I can’t believe I actually smiled after two months.
I never smiled since I broke up with my girlfriend, all I do is yell at them. I trusted her with my heart and everything I own but she betrayed me by sleeping with that jerk she called her ex-boyfriend, she even have the guts to say she doesn’t love me anymore.
I was heartbroken since then but now am smiling.
I smiled again and didn’t know when I laughed out really hard.
Christabel’s pov
I was walking through the corridor, when I heard someone laugh, I stopped and noticed it was from my boss’ room.
‘wait! I hope his not… ‘ let me keep my thought.
I placed my ear at the door.
He’s still laughing, I couldn’t here what he said clearly but all I heard was “Market”.
I gasped.
‘He’s running mad! oh my God! he mustn’t go to the market, he’s gonna run mad without cure’.
I went downstairs and walked to the kitchen straight.
I took the rope which the yam seller used to tie the yams we bought at the market and went upstairs.
I opened the door without knocking, I widen my eyes when I saw him in his boxer only.
‘He has completely run mad though he still look cute in his madness’
One word for Christabel oo 🙆💞
Me:you are fired 😭

chapter 6

❤️Christabel’s pov❤️
‘He has completely run mad though he still look cute in his madness’
I locked the door behind and move closer to him, but he moved back.
“Sir calm down, if your madness reaching market, it not curable oo” I said as I moved closer to him again.
“Christabel, are you sure you are okay? what the meaning of this? ”
He moved back again.
“oga, waited let me tie your hands and legs first, so that you will not spoil things” I showed him the rope.
“Who told you that am mad? you even have the guts to enter into my room without knocking” His eyes were red.
“sir, I thoughts you have mad, that’s… ” he shut me up.
“How dare you! you even bring rope to come tie me down, you are really crazy Christabel” He spoke furiously this time.
‘I know am crazy, right now I should be expecting the word” you are fired”
“Am sorry sir, please forgives me” I pleaded.
He scoffed.
“You know what?” He asked.
“What sir? ”
“You are fired!!” he yelled.
‘Told you I will be expecting that’
I looked at him and he did the same.
our eyes came in contact for some seconds, I broke the contact and stared at his masculine body. His just too handsome even his lips are tempting me to kiss them.
“When you are done drooling, you get out of my room”
Drooling? no I wasn’t or maybe I am’
“Sir, I does not knowing the meaning of drooling” Even if I knew it.
“I don’t think you have to know it dullard” he half yelled.
He just called me dullard! it’s not his fault, I know what to do’
“Sir, thou shall not call people dullard” I folded my arms.
“So you want to beat me right?” he asked.
“And what if I do? There’s nothing you gonna do” it was then I noticed my words.
‘is he not even embarrassed that he’s wearing only boxer’
“Did I just hear you well? I mean your English sounds good ” he smiled.
“Hmm… sir, I watches television yesterday, so I learning it from there” I quickly replied.
“oh! maybe you should continue watching movies, you can learn English correctly from there”
“Thanks for your concern”i smiled.
He arched his brow.
“From the television too sir” I quickly said.
“OK, don’t forget you are still fired, so go pack your load”
‘so he still remember’
“OK sir, but let me stay here till tomorrow please” I begged.
I still need to take revenge before I go.
“Hmm.. OK, at least before you go tomorrow, my mom is coming tomorrow so you have to cook before you go” he replied.
“Sir, but am fired”
‘What rubbish! he fired me and still asked me to cook for his mom. Gosh! ‘
“You don’t have choice and is either you are out of this house now or you stay here and cook for my mom tomorrow morning before you go, now choose one” he smirked.
“OK sir, I chooses to stay here and cook before I goes home tomorrow morning” I replied.
‘Best way to revenge’
“Good, now get out of my sight”
I walked out of his room.
Richard’s pov
“Arrgh.. this girl is really getting on my nerves, how can she bring rope to come tie me down coz she thinks am mad”
When she came in without knocking the door, my heart nearly Jump out of my body. I was only wearing boxer so I had to build up courage.
Next morning..
I woke up with the help of my alarm.
I walked to my bathroom, took my bath and went downstairs in my black suit.
I saw Christabel setting the table in the dinning.
‘But, I haven’t tell her when my mom is going to come’
“Good morning sir” she greeted me.
“Good morning, how was your night?”
‘Why do I even care about her night? whatever’
“it was fine sir” she replied.
we heard a knock at the door.
‘I knew it was my mom’
Christabel went ahead and opened the door and there she is ‘my mom’
She walked in smiling at me.
“Good morning son” she said walking towards me.
“Good morning mom, hope your driving wasn’t stressful?” I asked.
“Oh no my son, and who is this beautiful girl? ” she pointed to Christabel and I could see her smiling.
‘she’s more beautiful when she smile’
Gosh! I can’t believe I just said that.
“Mom, she’s a maid but she’s going today coz I fired her already ”
“oh my! what did she do that you fired her, she’s too beautiful to be sacked”
“seriously mom!” I arched my brow.
“of course, can’t you see she’s beautiful and you know beautiful girls like her makes a good wife” my mom winked at me.
“Darling, what’s your name? ” she turned to Christabel.
“My name is Christabel MA” she answered.
I scoffed.
I thought she was going to reply “my names is Christabel”
“Wow! what unique name you got dear” my mom smiled.
“Thanks ma”
“Good, I would like to know more about you”
“Hmm… yes ma”
she looked at me.
“Mom, I will be going to work and you, don’t forget you are going today” I quickly said and took my suitcase.
“Well, she’s not going anywhere” my mom folded her arms.
“What!? mom” my eyes widen.
Christabel too was shocked.
“She’s staying son, aren’t you tired of firing maids at all”
And suddenly, I wish she shouldn’t go again.
“okay, mom, she’s staying just because of you”
What a fat lie!
I was only gonna miss her.
“Good son, that’s why I always love you” she pecked me.
“Mom, I would be leaving, am late already” I said.
“Won’t you eat before You go? ” pointing to the food.
“Nope, mom I will take my break fast at the office” I walked to the exit.
I can’t imagine how Christabel is going to speak with my mom in those illiteracy words.
I bit my lower lip to avoid laughing out, what’s gonna be my mom’s reaction when she finds out she’s an illiterate.

chapter 7

Christabel’s pov
“What!? so you mean you had to pretend like an illiterate?” Richard’s mom asked.
she was too shocked.
“Yes ma” I answered.
I had to tell her the whole truth, she’s like a second family to me. I haven’t even call my parents since yesterday, I will call them when am through talking with richard’ s mom.
“oh my God! you know what? I can give you a job” she smiled.
“What! ma? ” I can’t believe my ears.
“yes, I can”
“Really? I will be so grateful MA, thank you ” I knelt down in front of her to appreciate.
“it nothing dear, I can’t just stop admiring you, you are beautiful and also a good girl ”
“you will make a good wife material ” she added.
‘where’s she heading to? ‘
“Hmm.. thanks so much ma” I answered.
my cheeks were hurting already. Too much smile!
“you welcome dear, am sure by tomorrow you will start work”
“huh? so fast?”
“Yes, in fact you can work in my son’s company” she smiled again .
I smiled too. “Thanks, once again ma”
‘I’d love to work in Richard’s company and of course, he’s gonna see hell’
Richard’s mom stood up and went upstairs.
I was wondering if I had gone yesterday, this opportunity would have pass me by.
Mrs Williams pov
‘Getting to know her was easy, she had to pretend like an illiterate. That’s was a funny idea.
I had to offer her a job so she can stay here with my son. I think l have to plan something before I go tomorrow.
my mind drifted back to her(Christabel). I smiled.
she’s beautiful, has an innocent face, kind even her meal taste delicious.
I just wish my son could open his heart to fall in love again.
I need to tell Christabel about him and maybe she could help me make Richard fall in love and I wish he could fall in love with her if possible.
I lay on the bed and slept off.
Richard’s pov
‘All I do was smile while typing my laptop all along’
my employees were marveled when they saw me smile, joke and laugh with them.
‘They were surprised coz it been long I smiled last’
I thought of my mom and christabel, how will mom react when she finds out that the beautiful girl is an illiterate.
How I wish she wasn’t an illiterate, thinking of her really made my mood change for good. she’s the one behind my smile.
I can’t keep it in coz am beginning to like her. And liking her is gonna be the final cause I don’t want to fall in love again. Never!
I returned home when I was through negotiating the deal with Mr Kingsley, I opened the door and met no one at the sitting room.
I heard voices laughing and giggling upstairs, seriously! I hope christabel haven’t killed my mom with her English. I climbed the stairs and noticed it was from christabel’s room, I placed my ear at the door.
“wow! you look beautiful when you were a teen” my mom’s voice spoke out.
“Thanks MA, actually that was when I graduated from secondary school” christabel’s voice followed.
Am sure she just learned that from a movie.
“And this?” my mom asked.
“This was when I graduated from University, and I came out first class”
wait! Am sure I heard something! university and first class?
Different thoughts ran through my mind. I couldn’t stand it so I opened the door.
“Son,you are back, welcome ” my mom walked towards me and hugged me.
“Yes mom” I replied not taking my eyes off christabel who was too shocked to even greet me. she kept scratching her hair.
‘what’s itching her? ‘
“So you were pretending all this while? ” I asked.
“Hmm…yes.. si…r, am so..rr.. y sir” she stammered.
“I think I will leave you both here to talk” my mom left.
“So you are a graduate right?” I asked her and she nodded.
“Then why do you pretend?”
“I couldn’t find a job after my education so I had to stoop so low when I started working as a maid” Her face were covered with sweat.
I can’t express how relieved I am right now, so she’s pretending all this while. she’s indeed crazy.
“bring your credentials to me in my room in the next 10 minutes, you are starting work in my company tomorrow” I stood up and went out of her room.
Christabel’s pov
I experienced the most shocking scene in my life today, I can’t believe he caught me.
But that was really a blessing in disguise. I grin.
Am starting a better job tomorrow!
I walked to my wardrobe and began looking for where I kept my credentials, it was God who really make me take my credentials along.
I packed all the pictures on the bed which I was showing Richard’s mom in to my wardrobe back.
Richard’s mom had already told me about him. such a pity! my poor crush doesn’t want to fall in love again.
I got to his door even if it not 10 minutes yet, I knocked the door.
“Come in” he half yelled.
“Here are my credentials sir” I forwarded it to him and he collected it.
“But I told you to come in the next 10 minutes” He asked.
“Yes sir, but… ” he cut me in.
“it’s okay, go get me a glass of water” he requested.
“okay sir” I went downstairs and saw his mom watching a nollywood movie, she turned and gave me a wink and I smiled.
I told her about the job her son was going to give me a job, she gave me a thumb up, I got to his room and met him smiling on my credentials, I gave him the water and he drank it up.
“Your credentials really impress me christabel” he said, and looked at me.
of course, my credentials is an impressive one.
“You are starting work with me as my PA” he smirked.
“Huh? P. A? ”

chapter 8

“Huh? P.A? ” I asked.
“Yes, but don’t worry the salary is lucrative”
I felt relieved, he handed me back my credentials and I took it from his hands.
Our hands met each other and I felt shivers running through my spine, I quickly collected the papers and walked to the sitting room and met Richard’s mom still watching the TV.
“How was it? ” she asked smiling.
“It was fine MA, he said I should be his PA” I bit my lower lip.
“PA? ” I think she was surprised.
“Yes ma” she grinned.
‘what for?’
” I will like you to do something for me ”
“like what ma?” I asked anxiously.
“Not know, I will tell you tomorrow before I leave ”
“OK MA, I will do anything for you ma” I smiled, I can’t imagine how happy my parents will be when they hear about this job.
“Really? OK but you will be shocked about it ” she replied.
‘ I hope is not a difficult one’
I stood up and went to my room, I took my phone and dialed my mom’s number.
📱”Hello mom”
📱”christabel! how are you, we have been expecting your call” my mom answered.
📱”Am sorry mom, but guess what? ”
📱”What is it? Am not good at guessing” my mom replied.
📱” OK, have gotten a better job mom as a PA” I shouted.
📱”wow! But PA to who and which company?”
📱”Am the PA to the CEO of Williams cooperation, my boss’ company”
📱”Wow! that’s good christabel, so? ” I could sense she’s smiling.
📱” so? ” I said curiously.
📱” Will you be coming home to stay with us or you gonna stay there? ”
That’s really a good question.
📱”Hmm.. I was thinking of coming home mom” That was the truth.
📱 ” Christabel, why don’t you stay there, you know the Williams cooperation is far from our place, so I will think you stay there and follow your boss to work every morning and when coming back “mom explained.
I think that’s a good point.
📱”That’s good mom, thanks ”
📱”you welcome, I will be rounding off the call, your dad is still sleeping” my mom said and cut off the call before I could say a word.
‘So I will be staying here again ‘ I looked around the room and smirked.
Mrs Williams pov
My plans worked out correctly, I had know when Richard do come back from work, so I had to go into action.
I went to Christabel’s room and started asking about her family, she showed me her cute childhood photos.
when I saw her picture of when she graduated from secondary school and university, I was praying for Richard to come home quickly but I didn’t know he was already at the door.
I didn’t want her to pretend to my son again, I want him to see her as an educated girl.
I smiled when christabel told me she’s gonna be his PA. Being my child’s PA is really making plans easier.
Richard’s pov
Being my PA will make her stay close to me, have been trying to explain the kind of feeling am having right now but I couldn’t.
Next morning..
Christabel had dressed in a red short gown which covers her knees a little.
I didn’t know where she got that dress but I must say she’s pretty in it.
“Good morning sir ”
“Good morning ” I mumbled.
I looked around to check if my mom is still around.
“Your mom went early sir” As if she knew my thought.
“Oh! so are you ready for today’s work? “I asked and she nodded.
“Good, now you are going to take a cab now and tell the driver you are going to the Williams cooperation ” I blurted out.
“But sir, I thought we are going together moreover, I don’t have money to board a cab” she answered.
“Then you trek, and you must not come to my office late coz you are to be in the company by 9:00am and this 8:20am, so you have 40 minutes left ” I grinned.
Seeing her sad cute little face was fun.
“Sir, is unfair oo” she answered and took her bag.
“Wait, help me take my suitcase into the car ” I handed it over to her.
she collected it and rolled her eyes.
I quickly drank my tea but couldn’t eat the toast bread, I walked out and couldn’t find christabel.
she must have really gone to take a cab.
“Oh my goodness! I was only joking with her” I entered into the car, she wasn’t there.
I drove down the road to see if I could sight her but I couldn’t, I got to the army checking point and they stopped me.
“Good morning sir ” They greeted me.
“Good morning, how are you guys? ” I smiled
“We are fine, we will like you to give us your driving license”
“Driving license?” I asked.
‘what do they want with my driving license ?’
I sat properly and gave them the papers.
“Take, now can you open your boot?” The man with a gun requested.
I never kept anything in the boot, but am getting late and Mr Kingsley would be waiting for me, that man got problems, I just pray he didn’t cancel the deal.
And one more thing is that he speaks gigantic grammars whenever he talks sometimes.
“Sir, I would like to but am getting late to work, I have a meeting with my business partner” I quickly said.
I don’t know why I didn’t open the boot but something kept pushing me back and not to open it.
“Okay, you know what? we are letting you go coz we know the CEO of one of the richest company can’t keep anything in the boot than docvments, but you will have to give us something you know” He winked at me, I smiled and I felt relieved suddenly.
I gave them #2000 and drove off to my company. I came down from the car and heard sounds coming from the boot.
My eyes widen.
‘Is my car going to blow? ‘
I walked to the boot and opened it a little at first, I saw something red. My heart skipped.
I opened it fully to see the greatest shock of my life. My jaw dropped and I almost fell down.
Christabel in the boot!
To be continued.

chapter 9

Christabel in the boot!
I don’t know if I should shout, cry or laugh. I don’t just know.
she came down and dusted her dress and straighten her hair well.
“Sir I didn’t mean to, there was no transport fare in my hand, that’s why I hide inside your boot ”
Seriously, if I had open the boot at the army checking point what would have been my fate now? They would think I kept her there.
“What if I had open the boot for the armies to check in, what would have become of me? ” I asked.
“Sir, I will try and explain to them” she answered.
I sighed.
“I was only teasing you and I didn’t know you gonna go far” I felt shivers running through my spine when I held her hand, and went in.
We walked in, my employees were staring at us and were gossiping, which was making christabel uncomfortable. she removed her hand From mine coz I knew that what they were gossiping about.
I got to my office and met Mr Kingsley walking to and fro, he saw me and gave me a dead glare. I turned to Christabel.
“This my office and that’s yours ” I pointed to the office which was opposite mine.
my office was made of glass so I could see her anytime and whatever she do.
“Wow!” That was what came out from her mouth.
“Mr Kingsley, am sorry for coming late, I was stopped by the armies ” Trying to make things up.
“oh really! what if I cancel the deal huh?” he fired.
“No sir, please don’t cancel it ” I pleaded, he’s here with his problem.
“Keep your mouth shut, your amorphous amanuensis didn’t tell you that am coming today? or she told you but you forgot? ”
“Ah God! he has started with his gigantic grammars of his again. he should just break them down.
“Sir she told me, but I already told you what happened this morning, I was stopped by the armies ” I replied as I covered my face with my palms.
“Whatever, let start the meeting cause I don’t have time ” I stood up and faced christabel.
“Tell all the staffs we are having a meeting with Mr Kingsley ”
she turned and I could tell she’s nervous.
At the meeting…
“Good morning everyone ” I greeted them and they did the same.
“First, we are having a new employee here, her name is Christabel Desmond and she’s my PA ” I introduced christabel to them. she stood up.
“Nice meeting you everyone ” she greeted smiling.
“Nice meeting you too, you are too beautiful ” my secretary replied.
“Yes, I thought she was his new girlfriend when they came in holding hands ”
I smiled.
“It seems you loquacious have forgotten me right? now start the meeting” he yelled and everyone stiffed except me.
He’s just too proud.
“Sir, we aren’t talkative, they were only trying to introduce me to them as the new PA ” christabel spoke out and all the staffs stared at her.
“Will you shut your desipient mouth up, it like you don’t know me right? I can cancel this deal cause of your hauteur. you this inanimate charlatan.
I looked at Christabel, her face was red.
“Am not a lifeless imposter sir, and you aren’t the only educated person here, stop being so dramatic ”
‘What she saying? I hope she’s not looking for trouble ‘
“Educated you said? I thought I was only dealing with some depredators” he shouted.
“We are thieves! stop all this vociferous of yours, you are too full of hauteur. if not for your senility I would have given you a temerarious beating, you this supercilious, edentate, obese man. Adversary of progress! ”
my jaw dropped!
She just insulted this man! Even mr Kingsley couldn’t say a word again, he was too dumb to talk. He just got his type.
Christabel’s pov
Mr Kingsley or Queen slay whatever he called his name, has really got on my nerves so much that I can’t take it.
He stood up and said the word “The deal is canceled ” and walked out.
Every one gasped. They were whispering.
“She just make that man cancel the deal? “🚺
“That serves him right”🚹
“let him cancel it, he’s just too proud for my liking “🚹
“Another business deal is coming, I like the way christabel put him in his place ”
I searched for richard with my eyes and I saw him, I walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.
“Am sorry sir, I make him cancel the deal” it wasn’t my intention.
“Did you know how much money that deal cost? Christabel you have just cancelled that deal ” His voice was low.
‘Now am feeling guilty ‘
I sighed.
“Am sorry boss, it won’t happen again ”
“it’s okay, my only chance now is the McDonald’s company, just pray they accept the deal which cost 14bn and not that 5bn you just cancelled ” he answered and stood up.
‘I pray they accept the deal ‘
The meeting was closed and soon everyone went home. it was I and Richard that went together in quietness.
we got home, I walked upstairs to go take my bath and was about to rest when I heard Richard’s voice shouting.
I quickly stood up and saw him in the sitting room jumping.
seriously, what happened?
I ran downstairs, he turned to me smiling.
“Sir, what’s wrong?” I was too anxious, seeing him smiling like this must have come out with a good news.
“Guess what? the McDonald’s company just accepted the deal” he shouted.
“Really? wow let me see it ” he handed me his phone and I could read the message that they accepted the deal.
I was too happy. I looked at him, he was really staring at me.
“Congratulations sir” I smiled.
“Yeah” he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug.
my heart skipped. ‘He just hugged me?’
Before I could blink my eyes, he kissed me on my………..

chapter 10

Before I could blink my eyes, he kissed me on my cheek.
unexpected kiss!
I blushed within, he mustn’t see my cheeks red. my boss… I mean crush just kiss me on my cheek.
‘Christabel why are you doing like this? what if he had kissed you on the lips? God! I would have fainted by now’
“Am sorry, I hugged you and kissed you on your ….” he demonstrated by placing his hand on his cheek.
“Okay sir, it normal to hug and peck people ” I grinned and I could tell he’s surprised.
Richard’s pov
I was so surprised by what christabel told me.
‘it normal to hug and kiss people” I laugh it off.
I don’t know what came over me to the extent of hugging her and pecking her on her on her cheek. I can’t control this feeling.
And I don’t just want to believe that am falling in love again, and not to anyone but christabel.
she’s making me break my promise.
I looked at her smiling face, she’s just too beautiful.
“Sir, why don’t we celebrate this” she asked excitedly.
“Oh yeah! of course we can” she turned around and went to the kitchen.
soon, she came out with two champagne glasses and a wine, she poured it into the two glasses and we both drank.
we kept laughing and gisting,and I could say I enjoyed her been around me, I also kept stealing glance at her.
“Am beginning to like you Christabel ” I blurted out.
I quickly covered my mouth with my left hand and glanced at Christabel, she was asleep.
‘Thank God ‘ I muttered.
I walked to her and raised my hand to her face, I touched her cheek then her nose they were soft.
my gaze went down to her lips but I looked away.
“Christabel, go inside now” I spoke softly, she raised her head up a little.
“No, I want to sleep here Richard” she said with her eyes closed.
‘She just call my name? that’s so brave of her’
I didn’t want to argue with her, I rolled up my sleeves and bent down to carry her in bridal style.
I got to her room and placed her on the bed, I covered her with the duvet. I kissed her on the forehead and went out immediately.
‘Richard you are getting too far ‘ I thought.
I got to my room, freshen up and jumped on the bed and slept off.
I heard someone screamed, I got up and ran to Christabel’s room, I saw her sitting on the bed with her chest raising up and down.
I moved closer to her and sat at the edge of her bed.
“What’s it christabel? why are you panting so heavily? ” I asked curiously.
“Nothing, it just a nightmare ” she said.
“Nightmare? I hope you are okay? ”
“Yes, but it just that I can’t sleep alone, I feel so scared” she said looking around the room.
I scratched my head ‘ she can’t sleep alone, does that mean I’m gonna stay here with her till tomorrow.’
“Christabel, don’t worry am gonna stay here with you Huh? don’t be scared ”
“Yes.. yes”
“Now sleep, am with you ” I said softly.
she lay down and I lay too beside her, I put my hand on the bed so she could rest her head on it and soon she slept off.
I looked at her beautiful face, she’s just too cute and I kept staring at it till I slept off.
Linda’s pov
“Oh spare me out of this, you are just too grumpy ” I said, yelling at derrick.
“Seriously?, so you are telling me that, you gonna go back to that brat? ” Derrick replied with anger.
“Yes, I can’t cope with you anymore! just leave my life alone ” I yelled
I can’t just stand Derrick anymore, he had really make me regret leaving richard. I want richard back and I know he hasn’t got any girlfriend yet and if he does, am gonna kill that bitch who tries to collect him from me.
“Okay go, but just know that jerk you called Richard can’t accept you back ”
“I don’t care, and I know he’s gonna take me back coz am his first love ” I smirked.
I took my already packed luggage and stormed out of the house.
Derrick dare not stop me.
christabel’s pov
I woke up and saw richard beside me, sleeping peacefully. I can’t believe he slept here with me all just because I was scared to sleep last night.
The night mare was a girl about my age trying to kill me with a gun, it was really the weirdest dream ever.
I stood up and walked to the bathroom, brush my teeth and took my bath, I walked back to my room and couldn’t see Richard.
oh! he must have gone to his room.
I creamed my body, then wear some comfy dress, I really need to get more clothes. I walked downstairs and saw richard not dressed yet.
Are we not going to the office today?
“Good morning christabel ” he was smiling.
“Good morning sir ” I replied.
” You must be wondering why am not dressed yet? well it’s because we are both having a day off ”
I arched my brow.
” A day off? but I just started work yesterday and…. ” he always cut me off whenever I tried explaining something.
“Yeah I know, and I was thinking you go shopping with me at least to get some new clothes for yourself now that you are working ” He winked at me.
Seriously! how did he know I was about getting new clothes? and he also winked at me! that’s so sweet of him.
” OK sir, let me go take my bag upstairs ” I turned to the stairs to go bring my bag.
Am going shopping with Richard!!
I came downstairs with my pink love emoji bag. He went upstairs to go change into something. soon, we were both ready and I must say we looked like couple this time.
we got to the car, richard had already opened the gate with its remote, we were about entering when I saw a girl come in. I looked at her properly and gasped.
‘she’s the girl in my dream! what’s she doing here with her luggage? ‘ I faced Richard and saw him shocked and angry at the same time. He quickly ran to me and what he said made my jaw dropped.
“Act like my girlfriend christabel” And I stared at him.

chapter 11

“Act like my girlfriend christabel ” And I stared at him.
I was dumbfounded. ‘Really? ‘ I asked myself.
The girl came closer to us and I could sense she’s dangerous but am more dangerous than her.
“Hi sweet heart ” she said ,trying to hug him but he pushed her away.
‘Wait! This must be his ex-girlfriend! of course she is! for richard to say “act like my girlfriend ” as something to do with her.
Richard glanced at me and she did the same. I need to act fast.
“Honey, who’s she? ” I asked even if I was nervous.
“Oh! she’s my ex-girlfriend I told you about” he played along.
But seriously, richard didn’t tell me about his ex-girlfriend, oops, have forgotten we are pretending.
“Seriously richard, don’t tell me you have another girl in your life? Have you forgotten me? it’s me linda, your first love ” She was crying but I knew they were fake.
‘I felt like slapping her, her legs like chicken laps’
“Well, you left me and went back to that jerk you called your ex-boyfriend, but now as you can see I got the love of my life ” he smiled at me.
‘ I never knew I had someone who can pretend too like me’
“Seriously, you call this bitch the love of your life? is she prettier than me? ”
He laughed.
“You might be prettier but she’s more beautiful than you, you are not up to her beauty ”
‘Did Richard just say am more beautiful than her? christabel stop all this, he’s just acting sweet in front of you’
“Sweet heart, it like we are not going shopping anymore, let’s go inside ” I said, and looked at her, she’s damn angry.
“Stop there, who are you to take richard from me? ” she blabbed.
“Blah blah blah, I took him away from you? of course not! you were the one who left him heartbroken and as you can see his happy having me ” I glanced at richard, and he was smiling.
“You heard that linda, so go I don’t want to see you in my life again” he yelled.
‘So the girl’s name is Linda ‘
“No am not going anywhere, as you can see am here with my luggage, so am moving in ”
‘Richard’s eyes was wide open.
“Linda, don’t you dare! ”
“Of course am daring you ” she took her luggage and before I knew it she’s inside.
Am smelling danger, I need to stay away from her but not from Richard.
“Christabel, I need to tell you this, it’s about linda ” he said, walking towards me.
“Don’t worry, I already know about her, your mother told me everything ” I blurted out.
He arched his brow.
“My mom? okay, but there’s one thing which my mom didn’t know about her, she’s dangerous I mean she can kill anyone who step on her toes ”
‘What? But how can you date a killer?’ I better not say that loud.
“Now I see, she’s the girl I dreamt of last night, trying to kill me with a gun ” I said.
I just need to tell him.
“Huh? you mean she’s the one in your dream? ” I nodded.
“Please stay away from her, and I will do anything to protect you from her, coz seeing you as my girlfriend makes her more dangerous”
Seriously, richard wants to protect me from his ex-girlfriend ,this is serious.
Before I knew it, he hugged me again!.
l placed my head on his chest well, feeling the warm embrace.
Sometimes being short is good!
Richard’s pov
I withdrew from the hug, and we went in.
‘Now am wishing to hug her day by day ‘
we saw linda in the sitting room watching the TV, with a glass of juice in her hand. she saw us, and I could see she’s furious.
I should have stop her from coming into the house but she’s too fast.
“Baby, go inside am coming ” I faced christabel and she went upstairs.
I still have to fight the feelings am beginning to have for christabel, she’s making me fall in love again.
“Linda, can you please pack your things and leave this house now ” facing linda.
“No richard, I can’t leave, you have to forgive me for what I did to you, am sorry” she pleaded.
“Have forgiven you since you slept with that guy and broke up with me ”
“Then accept me back as your girlfriend, that girl can’t make you happy the way I do make you happy ” she said, and getting closer to me.
she bought her face closer to mine and try to kiss me but I pushed her away.
“Linda stop this, and where is your luggage? ” I asked.
“Well, I kept the luggage in our room ” she smiled.
“What? how can you keep your luggage there?” I half yelled.
” I don’t see your so called girlfriend’s property in your room, so I kept mine there ” she smiled again.
“I give you 15minutes, to go upstairs now, take your luggage and get out of this house ”
“Am not going anywhere, am here and am here to be with you forever, no one can take what’s mine” she shouted, her face was red.
“oh, but you left what’s yours and someone else took it”
“you see that bitch you called your girlfriend, am gonna deal with her so badly, that she will regret having you, am gonna pack my luggage but am not leaving this house. This house is gonna be hell for the three of us ” she threatened and walked out in front of me, and went upstairs.
‘Gosh! this house is not safe for christabel, I know what linda can do. she can kill, I really need to be around christabel.
I can’t let someone kill my happiness.
Linda’s pov
I will make sure that girl regret having richard, I need to find some information about her. she’s really a dead meat.
christabel’s pov
I just hope that girl don’t try anything around richard, cause I will show her the stuff am made of. Am not only crazy am dangerous too.
one punch 👊 you land in coma.
Lobatan oo
From Kiss on the cheek to act like my girlfriend where did you think dis will later end up

chapter 12

👻Linda’s pov👻
“Sparkle, are you free cause I need you to do something for me before Thursday ”
“Hmm… okay lady Lin, what’s it? ” he said in his thick voice.
“I need you to get some information about a girl, I need everything before Thursday like I said” I replied.
“okay, but I need her picture so I could carry out my operation ”
“Hmm.. okay, I will send it to you later ” I answered and cut off the call.
‘The problem is how will I get that girl’s picture, I don’t even know her name yet but that’s not my business’
I stood up and went out of my room, I had took my phone with me.
I opened the door and little and couldn’t find the girl in her room, I heard water running from the other side of the room.
‘I think she’s taking her bath ‘
I smiled evilly, ‘What a perfect plan for me ‘
I sneaked in, and went searching for her phone and luckily, I found it on the lamp table.
I took the phone and pressed the power button and it was on.
Fortunately, she didn’t put any security lock on her phone, I searched through her gallery and saw many pictures of her. I quickly transfer two pictures from hers to mine and sneaked back into my room.
I walked to my wardrobe and wore my s£xy nightgown that barely cover my thighs.
I got to richard’s door and knocked.
“Who is it? come in”
I walked in and closed the door behind, I saw him operating his laptop.
“what’s it chris… Linda? wha..t a.r.e you doi… ng ” he stuttered when he faced up to look at me.
“I came here to sleep with you, I can’t sleep alone ” I said, moving close to him.
“You can’t sleep alone? How is that my concern? ” he asked furiously.
“Honey, just let me sleep here till tomorrow am sure your girlfriend can’t say anything, just tell her I can’t sleep alone that why I came here ” I walked to him finally and bent down so he could see my cleavage.
His gaze went there immediately, I smiled and touched his soft lips, I bought my lips to kiss him when I received a hot slap from nowhere.
I couldn’t get myself for a minute, I got up and saw an angry lioness in front of me.
His girlfriend!
“So you are trying to seduce my boyfriend in this house right? ” she asked, folding her arms.
“Of course! who are you to interfere? ” I was too angry.
Before I knew it again, she gave me another hot slap, I had to place my hand on the wall before I fall down.
‘Where did he get that tough hand of hers? ‘
“You should know that you are a fool, of course, yes I am, who are you to interfere ” she mimicked.
“Cupcake let’s go to my room, and one more thing I don’t want to see you near richard again and tomorrow I mustn’t see you here, if you do you will regret the day you were born ” she added and took richard along.
I kicked the bed hard, this girl just spoiled my plan.
I walked angrily to my room.
Christabel’s pov
I can’t believe that idiot try seducing richard, I had took my bath and wore my night gown when I decided to go downstairs to drink water.
I heard richard’s voice shouting but I didn’t know who he was shouting at.
Then I remembered that tiny mosquito, she must be in richard’s room.
I tiptoed to the door and heard linda saying she wants to sleep here.
I can’t rate the percentage of anger boiling in me. I opened the door slowly and saw the bitch trying to kiss my darling crush, I walked to her and I think she was too carried away seducing him.
I gave her a hot slap she will never forget till next week. I got to my room with richard and faced him.
“Thanks Christabel ” he said before I could speak.
‘Why is he thanking me ?’
“it nothing sir, but next time don’t be too carried away ”
“Yeah okay I won’t, Christabel you really surprised me, I mean slapping linda so hard like that ” he said and sat on the small couch behind the lamp table.
“yeah, it’s my duty as the acting girlfriend ” I smiled.
‘I just wish I could be his real girlfriend ‘
He laughed quietly “Really, what if you are my real girlfriend ?” He asked, and I blinked my eyes.
“Hmm… I would have beaten her till she land on the hospital bed with this my power ” I raised my hand up to show him my small muscle.
He laughed till he held his waist.
‘What’s funny? ‘
“Seriously, I can see you are really jealous even without been my girlfriend ” he stood up and walked towards me.
‘of course I should be jealous, seeing someone smooching my richard ‘
He bought his face closer to mine. ‘What’s he doing? I hope his not trying to kiss me? ‘
“You are beautiful christabel ” he said and smiled.
I was shocked beyond explanation, in fact I was too dumb to talk.
‘He really said am beautiful! Wait is he having feelings for me or what? ‘
“Thanks, you are handsome too ”
‘Christabel you shouldn’t have said that ‘
He arched his brow.
I stared at him and he was doing the same, his gaze was stuck on my lips and his face kept moving close to mine.
‘Is he really trying to kiss me? ‘
“Sir, you are… I mean your face is getting closer to mine ” I quickly said, before something I didn’t expect happen.
“Am sorry, I was only trying to figure out the dirt on your lips ” He said, and stand uprightly.
‘Dirt on my lips? ‘ I raised my right hand up to check if it was true but he was too fast.
He touched my lips with his hand and began rubbing it slowly and softly.
“That’s it, it cleaned ” he said and I touched my lips, I smiled within.
‘He just touched my lips! ‘
I giggled and said a “Thank you ” to him.
He walked back to the couch and lay there.
“Good night christabel and sweet dreams ”
I smirked and lay on the bed. ‘Too bad he didn’t sleep with me on the bed ‘


chapter 13

👼Richard’s pov🕴🏼
I woke up, stretching out my body and looked around the room.
‘This is Christabel’s room.
I remembered what happened last night and I smiled ‘Christabel is really good in acting ‘
I stood up and walked close to where she’s sleeping quietly.
‘I wish I had met you christabel ‘
I got out of the room and stared at linda’s room. ‘I knew she’s still coming back for christabel even if she’s out of this house ‘
I sighed and walked to my room, went straight to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took my bath.
I don’t know if I should go to the office today.
I took my phone after I had took my bath and dialed the general manager’s number.
“Hello Emmanuel, how are you? ” I asked.
“Am fine sir, you didn’t come to the company yesterday ”
“Yeah, I decided to take a day off ”
“Oh! and christabel too? ”
“Yes, and her too, so I called to tell you that I won’t be coming to the office till the next monday ” I sighed after saying that.
“okay sir, but why? cause you’ve never take a long day off like this”
“I just need to stay home, to solve some personal issues ,so am leaving the company in your care ” I breathe out
“Okay sir, I will do that honestly ” he answered and I cut off the call..
‘I trust him in taking care of the company ‘
I wore a light green shirt and a black trouser and walked out of the room. I got downstairs and saw linda in the kitchen.
‘What’s she doing? ‘ she saw me and smiled sheepishly.
“Good morning richard, how was your night? ” she asked and continue cutting the pepper.
“what are you still doing here? and what’s the meaning of this cooking? ” I asked placing my hand on the counter.
“I heard you speaking with someone that you aren’t coming to the office till the next monday, so I decided to cook for you since your darling girlfriend is still sleeping ” she replied, not facing me.
I scoffed.
“You are such a jerk linda! so you are still here right after what christabel told you that she mustn’t see you in this house ”
she’d better start packing her things coz christabel is really crazy ‘
“She won’t dare! Am not leaving this house till you take me back ” she stopped whatever she was doing and faced me.
“Don’t you think before you talk, I can’t accept you back now that am having a new girlfriend who is more responsible than you ”
“Responsible you said? how is that one responsible? ”
“Oh.. ”
“Really, so you’re the one responsible right? of course not!, cause if you are, you shouldn’t be in your ex-boyfriend’s house who is now having a new beautiful girlfriend ” I turned and saw christabel resting on the kitchen door.
“How long have you been standing there? ” I asked.
“Since you both started the discussion, and honey is it true you aren’t going to the office till next week ”
“Yes, I had decided to stay with you till the idiot is gone ” I whispered into her ear.
“That’s so sweet of you dear, less I forget I thought I told you to leave, why are you still here? ” she faced linda.
“And what if I don’t?” she questioned.
“Get ready for a hot slap and get ready to leave cause your things will be out soon ”
“What! if you touch my things I will kill you instantly ” she held the knife she was using tightly and pointed it to christabel.
“Linda please don’t try anything funny, just do as she said ” I glanced back at Christabel but she wasn’t there.
‘She must have gone to her (Linda) room’
I left linda in the kitchen who was staring at me awkwardly, Christabel got to linda’s door and saw it was locked.
‘She had locked it’
Linda came up to join me and tried opening it but was locked.
“fvck that bitch” She cursed under her breath.
Christabel’s pov
I began packing both the small and big load she got into her luggage. Even the brush in her bathroom.
if she can’t pack her things then am helping her. I was through in less than 20 minutes, I opened the door and saw linda and richard staring at me.
“Don’t tell me you pack my things to throw out ” asked by linda.
“I haven’t throw them out, so it better you take this now and walked out of this house gently without been forced”
“Richard was smiling and gave me a secret thumb up. ‘Anything for my crush ‘
Linda took her bag forcefully from me “Am coming back for you that is; you will regret having richard ” she whispered into my ear.
“Then let the battle begins ” I whispered back and smiled.
she took her things and stormed out of the house, I made sure she’s out of the house.
I turned and saw richard behind me smirking.
“You did a very great job christabel ” he stretched his hand for a handshake and I did so good.
“Yeah… anything for my cru… boss ” I nearly expose myself.
“Hmm.. okay, am about doing a small surprise to you ”
“Wha.. t sup… ” he carried me up in a bridal style and he turned round before I could complete my words.
I screamed happily, I held his neck so I could balance well. He stopped and stared into my eyes deeply.
Richard’s pov
I stared into her eyes, her cute brown eyes were lovely, I nearly kissed her yesterday but she stopped me.
Now I can admit that am in love with her. I dropped her on her feet and we both went in.
She got to the kitchen and I saw her pour the water linda was boiling and started cooking another meal.
I kept stealing glance at her as she was eating joyfully, she saw me and I quickly brought my face down and continued my food.
“You look awesome when eating ”
“Thanks sir, you ought to pay me for sending that linda out of the house ” Her mouth was full.
“Pay you? okay but am not paying with money ” I smirked.
“you aren’t paying me with money, then what? ” she asked, taking her empty plate to the kitchen and came back.
She stood in an akimbo position, I laughed and stood up. She kept moving back as I keep moving closer to her.
Her back touched the wall and she couldn’t move back, I placed my right hand up to the wall and bought my face closer to hers.
“What if I pay you with a kiss?”
‘Richard are you okay? ‘
“Huh? a kiss? ” I looked at her lips they were moving diligently.
I couldn’t control the urge to kiss her. I crashed my lips on hers, she gasped a little and I was surprised when she responded back.
‘Has she been waiting for this?’ I smiled.
Christabel’s pov
Somebody should wake me, I can’t believe am kissing richard right now.
We kissed so deeply and passionately as if our lives depends on it.

chapter 14

I can’t believe am kissing richard right now. We kissed so deeply and passionately as if our lives depends on it.
We broke the kiss to catch our breath. I looked into his eyes and I suddenly felt shy.
I ran to my room and sat on the bed.
Everything kept playing in my head. I giggled.
“Christabel, don’t tell me you made him fall in love ” I asked myself.
My phone rang and saw it was from my dad. I tilted my head.
‘What would make my dad call me? cause he doesn’t call often’
I took the call “Hello dad ”
“Hello Christa, how are you doing? ”
“Am good dad and you? ”
“Same, I just called to greet you, your mother told me you’re working in your boss’ company as a PA to him”
“Yes dad, that’s true, how’s mom? ”
“She’s good, I will be ending the call now, take care of yourself ”
“Okay dad” he hang up.
I dropped my phone on the bed and stood up, opened the door, I saw richard coming in the corridor, I quickly closed my door.
‘What’s wrong with you christabel? why do you feel so shy suddenly? ‘
Richard’s pov
I walked through the corridor with my hand stuck in my pant pocket.
I kept recalling the kiss I had with christabel, her lips were soft and sweet. I got to her door and smiled.
‘Did she ran cause she was shy or what ?’ I got to my room, lay on the bed, took my phone and went to the music list and played my favorite song ‘Cheap thrills’ then dropped it on the bed.
Linda’s pov
I sent the pictures to sparkle, I know him for his diligent works but I can never forget the day a lady beat him to stupor, though I wasn’t there but I saw him coming from the hospital with bandages all over his head, hands and he was using crutches.
I asked him what happened and he told me everything, I laughed and asked him to take care of himself.
I got a call from sparkle, “Have you seen the pictures? ” I asked.
“Yes, I knew her before ” he said.
“Huh? seriously? okay, I want you to kidnap her and deal with her mercilessly, but don’t kill her cause I will be the one to kill her myself” I felt satisfied with my words.
I heard him laugh ‘why is he laughing ?’
“Don’t tell me you want me to kidnap this girl and deal with her right?”
“Yes, what’s wrong with that ?”
“Do you remember the day a lady got me beaten to stupor cause I wanted to rape her? she’s the one and you want me to kidnap her, you want my parents to mourn me right? Nope I will advise you to leave her or you send another person ” he answered.
“What OMG!” I can’t believe it christabel that deal with sparkle that day, this is impossible.
Gosh! this is unbelievable!
‘ I still won’t give up, I will made sure I have richard back and christabel, she’s dead already ‘
I began offloading my things and put them in place. I had to stay in a hotel.
I saw a tooth brush in my bag ‘God! this is the toothbrush I used in richard’s house. Whatever!’ I threw the brush at a corner and lay back on my bed.
Richard’s pov
I got up from my bed and took my bath and wore my clothe before going out of the room.
I met christabel at the dinning room, she saw me and dropped the glass cups in her two hands and walked faster to the kitchen
‘Why? ‘
“Are you avoiding me? “I asked, when I got to the kitchen.
The spoon she was holding fell, she bent down to pick it up.
“I wasn’t avoiding you sir ” she replied and I sense nervousness in her tone.
“is it because of the kiss we had yesterday? ” she stopped what she was doing in a minute and continued again.
“No sir” she answered.
“I know it that, do you remember the day you told me “it normal to hug and kiss people ” I mimicked in her voice.
She turned to me leaving what she was doing.
“Not that type of kiss richard ” she covered her mouth.
“Am sorry I called you by your name sir ” she apologized.
“It nothing, it normal to call people by their names ” I smirked.
“Seriously?, whatever” she turned back to her cooking.
“What if I kiss you again? ” ‘I didn’t mean that, just teasing her’
“Don’t you dare! ” she pointed a spoon at me.
“Come on, just kidding, continue what you were cooking “And she did.
I tiptoed to her, cause she was backing me. I gave her a quick peck on her left cheek and ran out of the kitchen.
“Richard!!!!!! am going to cut that lips of yours ” She yelled and I laughed.
Christabel’s pov
it not that I didn’t want to kiss him, of course I do.
With my observation, I think he has fallen in love and not with anyone but me.
‘Am not sure yet, but I just pray he ask me out, I won’t think twice in accepting ‘ I smiled.
I dished out my food in a plate and dished richard’s own too and pour a large amount of seasoning in it.
‘You are wondering why? that’s for stealing a peck without permission ‘
I took the food to him smiling and he stared at me suspiciously.
“Don’t tell me you’ve done something crazy? ” he asked.
” Nope, Just eat” I kept smiling.
He ate one spoon and widen his eyes, he got up quickly and went to go threw them out.
I fell to the floor and laughing really hard. He walked to me .
“What was that? ” He was using a napkin to clean his mouth.
“That was food, am sure you enjoyed the food and that’s for stealing a peck without permission”
“Then am doing it again ” he asked smirking.
‘That’s it ‘
“Humm…i will go bring another one ” I ran to the kitchen.
‘Thank God, there is still some in the pot’i dished it out for him and he ate.
‘God! I have to waste this food now! I won’t do that again ‘


chapter 15

Soon, we were through with our food, I packed the empty plates to the kitchen while Richard went to the sitting room to watch a movie.
I dropped the plates and turned back going to my room.
“Won’t you come join me ” richard’s voice stopped me halfway.
“Of course sir” I walked to the sitting room and sat on a couch which was a little far from him.
He stood up and came to sit beside me ” I think it better like this ” using his hand to wrap me and I rested on his shoulder.
“Can we go out… I mean.. on.. a date? ” he stammered.
“Huh? sir…. a date? ” I blinked my eyes.
‘I won’t decline this date, can’t believe my first date is with richard ‘
“Yes, don’t tell me you aren’t going, I won’t accept that ” he jumped up and pushed me towards the stairs.
“But I don’t have a good dress to wear ” I muttered.
‘That girl ruined my shopping with richard that day ‘
“I heard that, don’t worry we are going shopping before the date ” he patted me on my shoulder.
I walked upstairs and came back with a pink crop top and a blue skirt, I did a little makeup.
Richard had already dressed in a white shirt and a khaki trouser. he held my hand and we walked out.
Richard’s pov
At the boutique 🏨
I and christabel were shopping when I sighted a beautiful red off shouldered gown designed with blue sparkling stones.
I walked to the cloth and called christabel ” Christabel, come check this out it gonna look good on you ” I showed her the cloth and she gave it a ‘wow’ look.
“it beautiful! ” she exclaimed.
“That’s gonna be your dress for this date ” I can’t wait for her to wear that dress.
She took the cloth and went to the dressing room.
Few minutes, she came looking drop dead gorgeous and breathtaking in the dress.
“You look gorgeous christabel ” I said, recovering from the staring.
“Thanks sir, you aren’t looking bad too ” she replied, smiling.
“Oh stop it, so are you ready? ” I asked, and she nodded.
I took her hand as we walked towards the car, I opened the boot and dropped the other clothes we shopped inside.
‘it gonna be a surprise for christabel ‘
We drove to our destination and we both came down from the car.
“Wow! this place is wonderful! l she said joyfully, as we entered the restaurant, a man came to meet us halfway.
“Good afternoon sir, everything is set ” I nodded and he went his way.
“What’s set rich.. sir? ” looking round the whole place then turn back to me.
“it gonna be a surprise and I want you to stop calling me sir, call me by my name ” I said, and she glanced at me.
“Huh? you mean I should call you by your name?
“Yes, there’s nothing wrong with that ”
“Okay richard” she said with confidence and I like that.
We took the elevator and went to the VIP, I opened the door and christabel gasped.
The room was decorated with rose petals on floor and some decorated on the walls. we got to the table and it was full of assorted wines, juices and foods.
Christabel’s pov
Every thing here was just like a paradise, it really look wonderful!
I don’t even know how richard manage to set all this fast.
“How do you.. I mean when do you set all this ready so fast? ” I asked, looking round the room which was painted with red colour.
Let me just say everything here is red. Wait even my dress!
“I booked it when we were shopping ” he replied.
“Wow! they were pretty fast in getting everything done ” I smiled, and he gestured me to sit.
I sat down and looked at the delectable meal in front of me. I started with the fried rice mixed with a little quantity of jollof rice and a chicken.
I took my fork and began eating, richard did his too.
“Am sure you like the food? ” he asked, and I nodded.
We were through with our food and began taking desserts. “Have you ever fall in love before? ”
A sudden question struck me and I stiffed.
“Hmm… mnn..No… ..Yes” my voice is failing me.
“Why no and yes? which one should I accept ” he asked me.
‘ I don’t know what to say? maybe I should just say yes ‘
“Yes, but once ”
“Once? when? and who? ” This question are really making me scared as hell.
“With myself, yes am in love with myself ” I grinned, and drank the whole juice in my glass cup.
He chuckled. “Yourself? you are really crazy you know? I know you must have know about my love life.
I had fallen in love with linda since I set my eyes on her the very day she came to my office with her dad who was my dad’s business partner before he retired.
I thought she loved me too but she break my heart into tiny pieces, I gave her everything she needed but went back to sleep with her ex-boyfriend and say she doesn’t love me anymore ” he paused and looked straight into my eyes.
‘That’s bitch is a fool to have toy with his heart’
“Christabel, I promised never to fall in love but I don’t know why I broke that promise ”
‘He broke the promise? what’s he saying? ‘
“You fell in love again? ” I asked anxiously and he nodded.
‘He fell in love again, with who? why his he telling me all this ‘
“Yes, I fell in love with the woman in front of me ”
‘Wait! me? ‘
“Me?? how? when? I mean don’t tell me you are playing pranks? ” I was too nervous and hot right now.
“I fell in love with you since you step into my house even if I wasn’t sure back then ” he held my hands and pressed them gently.
‘it has happen, my observation is true, he had fallen in love with me same as me too ‘
“Do you love me christabel? ” A bomb blast.
‘Of course I do love you but how do I say it out? ‘ I summoned courage.
“Richard, I…. ” I couldn’t finish my words when I heard gunshots.
My heart skipped.
“What’s that? ” Richard asked, moving towards the glass window, he opened the curtain but didn’t see anything.
Richard’s pov
“I will be right back christabel, don’t move from here ” I warned.
I felt relieved after saying what’s in my mind, I can’t keep this feeling anymore maybe confessing it will be good and I did.
I was about hearing my response from christabel but stopped when we heard gunshots.
I got downstairs and saw 5 armed men with guns, everyone was lying down.
I was about going back when they stopped me.
“Hey, come here” And I did so.
“Where’s your damn girlfriend? ” the second man asked.
“I didn’t come with anyone ” I said and they chuckled.
“Really, Tommy go search for that bitch and bring her here, we don’t have time ” The first man who called me responded.
The man ran inside and in 9 minutes, he was leading about 10 more people out. I searched for christabel and I saw her shaking in sight of gun.
“Good, so they are still inside ” He took out his phone and stared at it then began looking around.
“Come here lady, don’t worry we will kill you nicely, stop panicking ” I turned and behold it was christabel.
“Please don’t kill her, who sent you? ” I asked.
‘Am sure this linda’s work, if so she’s gonna rot in jail ‘
We heard the police sirens, and everybody were mumbling.
“We need to go but not without our job done ” he stretched out his gun and pulled the trigger twice.
“Nooo!!!! ” I shouted, and ran as fast as I could.
But the deed has been done. The bullets hit christabel and she fell down on the floor.
I ran to her, and shook her, her eyes were a little shut.
“Richard, I need to tell you this ” she spoke silently, I placed my ear to her mouth so I could hear her well.
“What’s it christabel? please be strong the ambulance is on its way ” I panicked seriously.
” I love you Richard!! ” she said, and closed her eyes finally.
Tears dropped down from my eyes. ‘she loved me and here she is, in a critical condition ‘

Chapter 16

😭Richard pov 😭
I was crying profusely, seeing her like this sadden my heart so much.
‘I know it linda’s work, how can she do this to me ‘
The ambulance came and christabel was placed on a stretcher, we got to the hospital in 15minutes.
She was taken into a ward, I wasn’t allowed to enter so I stayed outside. I couldn’t sit, I kept glancing at the door.
“Richard, what happened? where is Christabel? ” I turned and saw it was my mom with my dad too.
“Mom, she was shot, I don’t want her to die. I love her mom, I love her” More tears dropped down from my eyes.
‘I won’t be able to get myself if she dies ‘
“You love her? I mean you fell in love with her?” Mom asked and I nodded.
“OMG, don’t worry, she’s gonna be fine ” she assured me.
“She’s not going to die son ” my dad spoke out.
“I know it linda’s doing, she’s the one who sent them, she threatened to deal with her and she did”
.”Don’t worry son, we will get to her later, let just pray Christabel should live ” my dad patted me.
‘ I can’t afford to lose her just like that ‘
5 minutes later…
The doctor came out, I ran to him “How is she? I mean the girl that was shot? ” I asked, impatiently..
The doctor sighed “She’s…. ”
“Go straight to the point, she’s what? ” I yelled.
“Calm down, she’s fine. She’s really a strong woman, we were able to remove the bullets. So she’s okay now ” The doctor smiled, I didn’t know when I hugged him.
I felt very relieved, christabel didn’t die. OMG!
“Can I see her please? ” I pleaded.
“Hmm.. yes.. but she’s still sleeping ” he replied.
“Okay doctor, thanks so much ” I didn’t wait to hear his reply when I ran to her ward.
I opened the door and saw Christabel laying on the bed. A tear dropped from my eye.
She had bandage on her stomach where she was shot, I walked to her and sat beside her on the bed.
“Christabel am sorry I didn’t protect you from the bullets, and thank you for staying strong for me, I will always love you with all my life ” I said, holding her left hand.
Suddenly, a woman in her fifties came in with a man which I know he must be her husband.
She was panting heavily, I looked at her well and saw the resemblance of christabel.
‘She must be her mother ‘
“What happened to my daughter? someone should tell me” she half yelled.
“MA please calm down, she was shot but she’s okay now ” my mom answered her
She calmed down but not fully “Who did this to me? what’s my offence? ” she was crying.
An hour later..
Christabel’s parents and mine went home cause I told them am gonna stay here with christabel though they insist but I told them not to worry.
I glanced at christabel and didn’t know when I slept off.
Christabel’s pov
The next morning…
I opened my eyes slowly, everywhere was blur. I recalled what happened to me yesterday.
I was shot on my stomach .
The blurring became clear and I could hear a beeping sound, the walls were painted white.
I stood up but i was held down by a sharp pain in my stomach. I heard someone mumbling and I traced it with my eyes.
‘Richard!! ‘ he was sleeping on the small couch and I stood up finally sitting on the bed.
I remembered when I said “I love him” before I landed here. He opened his eyes and saw me smiling.
“Christabel!! you are awake? ” he ran to me and sat beside me.
“Yes Richard, am awake. How was your night? ” I asked staring into his swollen eyes.
‘He has been crying? ‘
“It wasn’t fine but now that you are awake, I think it fine ” I chuckled.
“Okay, can we go home now? please I want to go home ” I pleaded, I didn’t really like staying in the hospital for long.
“No, but the doctor said you will be discharged on Friday ” he answered smiling.
“Friday? that’s long! ” I exclaimed.
“Yeah, christabel am sorry I didn’t save you from the bullets, please forgive me ” he was about crying.
‘why is he blaming himself ‘
“It nothing, you don’t have to blame yourself for it richard, forget about it okay? ” I said, looking down at his plump lips.
“Is there something on my lips? ” he asked touching it.
“No.. No.. Nothing ” I looked away shyly.
“I know what you want ” he smirked.
‘What I want?’
“What? ” I asked.
He bought his face close to mine till we were lip to lip.
“This” He kissed me on my soft lips and I responded, forgetting the pain I was having.
“I love you christa ” I heard him say.
‘ Only my father call me Christa ‘ I smiled.
“I love you too richard ” I said after we broke the kiss.


Chapter 17

😁Christabel pov 😁
“I love you too richard ” I said after we broke the kiss.
“Hmm.. hmm.. ” I saw my mom, she cleared her throat and dad too is here.
“Mom! Dad! you are here ” I was surprised and happy as well.
“Baby! how are you and your health too? ” she asked.
“Good mom, and you too? ”
“Same dear, I and your father came here to check on you and thank God I bought you food cause I know you would be hungry when you wake up ” she gave me the food and I smiled.
“thanks mom”
“You welcome dear, Mr richard I can’t thank you less for what you did, God will continue blessing you abundantly ” my mom prayed.
We chorused “Amen ”
My parents went back and promised to be here tomorrow cause they would be busy in the noon
“Do you find out who sent those people to kill me? ” I asked.
“Hmm…. Nope not yet, but I know it linda’s doing, don’t worry we gonna find her and she must pay for her sin ” richard spoke angrily.
“I need you to do me a favor please “Giving him a puppy look.
“Okay, what favor? ” looking straight into my eyes.
“Let pretend as if am dead” I spat out.
“What!! christabel what are you saying? ” Richard said in amusement.
“Yes, I said that…. okay I mean I won’t be going home with you on Friday ”
I don’t even know what to say.
Richard’s phone rang and he picked it up.
“It’s Linda ” And I summoned him to pick it
“What do you want linda ?”
“Chill okay, I was only trying to show sympathy for christabel’s death, I heard she was shot ”
I heard linda saying over the phone cause it was on speaker
‘She really want me dead? ‘
“Linda, don’t tell me you sent those men to kill christabel? ” Richard asked, furiously holding the bed sheet tight.
“Hey, keep quiet and don’t ask me that, you know what have been knocking at your gate but no response, You are not at home? ”
‘At his house? oh no! ‘
I did a sign for richard to hang up the call.
“Hmm.. I will call you back linda ”
He cut the call “Linda is at home ” I nodded.
“And she believed you are dead! ” he added and I nodded again.
“That’s what am saying, me pretending am dead will make us get the truth from her ”
“How? Linda is very smart and she Can’t just surrender herself like that ”
“I know, but don’t worry just let her in, I know what to do next “I said, trying to lay back on the bed.
“Ouch! ” I winced in pain.
“Sorry sweetheart ” Richard helped me lay back and I giggled when he called me ‘sweet heart ‘
Richard’s pov
I went home after christabel was asleep, I got home and met linda at the gate with her things
‘Seriously, this girl is stupid ‘
I got down from the car “Linda, did you know what you did yesterday, you killed Christabel! ”
Maybe pretending as christabel said will make me get the truth from her.
“Richard, forget about this and let move on, I mean let get married and have children ”
“Married? children? you must be joking, get out of my house this minute ” I yelled.
“Too bad, am not leaving and no one will throw me out not even you ”
She stuck her tongue out and went in ‘This is a better opportunity, I will let her stay here till I get the truth.
Linda’s pov
‘That bitch thinks am not smart right? well to hell with her wherever she is.
‘May her useless soul rest in pieces ‘Killing her was fun for me. No one takes what’s mine!
‘Since sparkle can’t do the job, I sent the x-killer assassins to do the job for me and they did it smartly, more than I expected ‘
I took a red wine and drank little from it when I saw richard coming, his face was expressionless.
‘Now I got my man back ‘
“Richard, why is your face like this? ” I asked, as I walked towards him.
“Don’t tell me you are thinking of that bitch? ” I added.
“Baby, of course, she’s my life and I love her but you took her away from me ” He was looking straight into my eyes.
‘Did he just call me baby? is he trying to accept me back? ‘
“You aren’t sure if I was the one honey ” I smirked.
“fine, you aren’t the one but when I get you are responsible for it, you will rot in jail ”
“Okay, we will see that, am innocent ” he rolled his eyes and walked upstairs.
I need to be smart and be careful…
Christabel’s pov
I had woken up around 7 in the morning thinking of how to get linda.
Two plans popped into my head.
Plan A is to get her drunk and ask her questions in her drunken state or I use,
plan B act like a ghost in the house by recording my voice in a scary way and place it in her room.
I smirked… ‘Christabel, you are really crazy ‘

Chapter 18

😁Mrs Williams pov😁
I kept smiling, seeing my son in love with that girl. Christabel really made my son fall in love.
‘I was about telling her my plans on Richard but it cleared off my mind, but she did that without me telling her the plans ‘
‘Can’t wait for my grandchildren ‘ I thought and took a sip of my juice.
“Honey, you have been smiling like you won a trip to Dubai, what’s it ?” my husband jerked me out of thought.
“it nothing dear, am just smiling or shouldn’t I do that ” This time I was grinning so hard.
“Really, now you are grinning really hard, just hope your teeth won’t fall out ” he said.
I gave him a hard glare that cause him to laugh and we both ended up laughing.
Richard’s pov
I laughed my ass out ” christabel, you think this plans can work on linda?”
She nodded “Yeah, but let just pray it worked out perfectly ” she said, wearily.
“OK, plan A is very good so as plan B, we need to buy a voice recorder, a small speaker and you record your voice in a scary way and place it in her room” I explained.
“Yes, that’s it but you know I won’t be coming to your house ”
“Why not stay with my parents? ”
“Okay, am going to tell my parents then, that I would be staying with your parents ”
I bought the voice recorder and the speaker immediately then, I went back to the hospital for christabel to record her voice.
‘This girl is just too funny ‘ I recorded the voice and truly, it really look like a ghost’s voice.
“You are perfect in every thing you do ” I saw her blush and I gave her a peck on her lips and walked out.
I got home and met linda setting the food on the dinning table, I quickly used that opportunity to go to her room.
I looked around the room and saw her wardrobe, I climbed the chair which was beside me and placed both the voice recorder and the speaker on top of her wardrobe.
I connected the wires together and thank God the items were small and black in colour. I pushed it deep down so it will be hard to see.
I quickly ran out of the room so I won’t get caught.
I changed into something simple and find my way to the living room.
“Richard, have set the dinning come eat ” she said, smiling seductively.
I rolled my eyes on her then the food ‘who knows if she had poison the food? ‘
I can’t eat that food that looks like dog’s food. I walked past her to the kitchen and began cooking noodles for myself.
“Richard, why do you have to cook noodles when a better food is here ”
I gave her no response and soon she became tired of standing and went to her room.
“Why don’t you eat the food? ” I mumbled, with my mouth filled with noodles.
I ate my food, took out my phone and smiled.
‘I had connected the voice recorder to my phone all I need is to wait till the right time ‘
Linda’s pov
I got to my room and sat on the bed ‘I don’t know why he ignored me and even the food! whatever, I don’t blame him and am sure he’s still thinking of that witch. That’s serves him right. ‘
At night… I changed into my night gown and lay down on my bed, I turned off the lamp and slept off.
At 12:30pm…
I heard a voice which made me flinched. “Who’s there? ” I looked round the room but saw nothing, I turned on the lamp.
The voice continued and stopped again then continue, this time it spoke out.
“Linda, what’s my offence? why do you kill me? ” That’s christabel’s voice, I was sweating profusely already.
Her ghost! she’s trying to kill me! if I had known I wouldn’t have kill her ‘
“You are going to choose one of this options which is either I kill you or you confess to everyone ”
Confess? if not I will die, oh God! what have I done? ‘
I couldn’t move from my bed but in a minute I flew to the door and to open it but it was locked.
‘Am finished! in fact over finished ‘
“Richard, please help me open this door, I need to tell you something ” The voice had stopped and the door opened almost immediately.
I hid behind richard’s back and popped my head out a little. “There’s a ghost in my room ” I said in a frighten way.
“Ghost? wait is it christabel’s voice? ” he turned back to me and I nodded.
He laughed “what did she say? “This time he was looking serious.
“She.. said.. I should confess … or I die ” I stammered.
‘I don’t want to die! let me just confess it and be free ‘
“Richard, this is hard to say but it like you won over this case. I.. I.. I.. killed.. christabel, I mean sent the assassins to take christabel’s life ” I was facing down, I can’t face the anger that would be on his face.
‘I can’t believe I confessed so easily like that, am not like this ‘
“You did what! Linda repeat yourself ” he bought out his phone and placed it in a recording way.
I breathed in and out heavily, ” I killed Christabel cause I can’t bear her take you away from me, am sorry richard. please forgive me”
“I knew it from the start that you are a devil, how can you send assassins to kill your fellow human. Too bad you are gonna rot in jail ” he stuck his phone back into his pocket and walked out.
‘Maybe if I just kidnap her and take her far away from this country or better still beat her to stupor that richard won’t see the beauty in her. she would feel rejected in front of him’

Chapter 19

⚡️Richard’s pov⚡️
I burst into laughter when I got to my room, the plan really work perfectly, in fact so fast!
‘ I thought linda was a brave girl and she never give up on anything, but she surprised me!
Am getting her arrested tomorrow morning but I need those assassins.
in the morning….
The police had come to take Linda and she was asked to lead them to the assassins’ home and she did.
we arrested both linda and the assassins and will be taken to court on Monday.
I felt happy, I got to christabel in the hospital and told her news. she felt happy, she told me she would be visiting her in the court as a surprise to her.
“Richy, we will suing her for attempt murder and not murder ”
“Have been thinking of that too, maybe two years or five years imprisonment is okay”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to get out of this hospital, am becoming tired of it, am strong enough to go home ” she pouted her mouth.
“Don’t worry, you will soon go home, just be patient okay?” I said and she nodded.
Linda’s pov
‘Am going to end my life in jail ‘ I thought as I held one of the iron rods which was used as a boundary between me and the assassins.
“Linda, see what you cause now, you don succeed in sending me to jail ” one of men called tommy spoke out.
“Me wey say I dey hustle on my own, nah you people con say make I join una group.
Say e go bring better money, see w€tin end am, chaii greediness no good oo ” Another boy said.
“We you shut up, una never know how many years imprisonment una spend for jail, you are talking rubbish ”
I sat down on the floor and didn’t know what to say.
Christabel’s pov
Days rolled by and soon it was on Friday.
Every one had came to see me even some staff from richard’s company came too.
They bought a wheelchair in front of me and I frowned my face.
“What’s this for? ” I asked, rolling my eyes on the wheel chair.
“Cause of your condition, the doctor said you will have to use the wheel chair for sometime ” my mom said.
“Mom, I wasn’t shot in my legs, how can you expect me to use a wheelchair.
Mom to show you that I can walk with my legs, see this ” I stood up, on my feet and walked a little though I was still feeling the pain but it not really like before.
“Honey, why don’t you let me give you a help while you walk ” my eyes went directly to my parents to see their reactions but they were smiling at me.
‘He just called me honey in front of my parents, I still have to tell them about my relationship with richard though he haven’t ask me out yet’ He noticed me and laughed softly.
“I told them my love for you and they gave me a go ahead ”
“When did you do that cause I was about telling them soon ” I faced him.
“I did that the same day I got Linda arrested, am sorry I didn’t inform you ”
“There’s nothing to worry Christabel, we give you our blessings ” my dad said.
“we give you our blessings too sweethearts, so let’s go home and celebrate, christabel’s return ” Richard’s mom said.
I walked myself out of the hospital with richard’s support, we got to the car and drove home.
Richard’s dad got the door opened, everywhere was dark.
‘why? ‘
“why is everywhere dark?” But I got no response.
Suddenly, the lights went on and I gasped in surprise. “Welcome back christabel ”
I turned my head and saw about 10 more people inside, some were holding a welcome card.
I walked inside smiling happily, they really had to decorate the house for the welcome party.
“Christabel!! ” someone yelled my name and I turned to see whose feminine’s voice is that.
“Hannah!! oh my God! ” I spread my hands for her to hug me.
“How are you? you have grown so big l she said, scanning my body.
“Same as you, when did you come back? ”
“Well, I came back on Wednesday and I decided to visit you at home but your father told me you’re working and you aren’t living here.
They told me what happened to you. I asked where I can see you and he told me he and your mother will be throwing a welcoming party here for you so I followed them here ” she said, grinning widely.
Hannah was a friend of mine, we both went to the same secondary school and same university.
She’s an easy going girl but if you look for her trouble, she’s going to give you hers.
“Attention everyone ” A man said and we turned to him.
“As we all know why we are in this party and that’s to welcome our princess home, miss christabel ” The man added and I blushed within.
“Thank you so much, I don’t really have much to say. First, I will like to thank God for making me alive till now.
secondly, I will like to thank everyone especially richard, my parents and richard’s parents for their care since I was in the hospital.
God bless you all ” I said, and they clapped.
I scan everywhere for richard with my eyes but I couldn’t see him.
‘Where did he go? ‘ The lights went off again and there was silence every where, no one was talking.
Then, it went on again “Christabel ” I heard my name and turned back to see richard kneeling on one knee and to crown it all, he was holding a bouquet of roses in his hands.
“Richard, what are you doing? ” I whispered, tears were about to fall from my eyes.
‘Why did I want to cry? ‘
“Christabel, it about time you make me the happiest person in the world if you say yes, will you be my lady?” he said, with smiles plastered on his face.
“Are you saying I should be your girlfriend? ” I just want to be sure maybe am still in the hospital dreaming, and he nodded.
Tears finally came down from my eyes ” yes… yes, I will be your girlfriend richard ” I answered and he stood up smiling and gave me an emotional kiss. I collected the roses and everyone clapped in happiness.

Chapter 20

⚡️Chapter 20⚡️
❤️ (Finale) ❤️
Linda’s pov
Monday morning…
I was taken to the court, I was found guilty. my parents had come to the court too.
Richard came in and I glared at him but it turned into a shocking one.
“Christabel? ” I said, dazzled.
“Hi Linda ” I narrowed my eyes.
“Nope, am alive as you can see, all what you heard in your room was just a voice recorder and a speaker.
We did that to get the truth from you. I never knew you would surrender just like that ” she giggled and winked at me.
“Baby, I think we should go take a sit” Richard spoke and they sat at the front row.
‘ I will make sure they pay for this, they will suffer till they beg for death. All I just wanted is the judge not to sentence me to life imprisonment.
No matter how many years am given, once am out of prison, I will make their life miserable ‘
The judge thick voice jerked me out of thought.
“Miss Linda George, you are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment for attempt murder with hard labour and your goons too.
Arise! ”
‘it is finished! just like Jesus said on the cross ‘I looked towards richard and christabel their face has no expression.
I looked at my parents, they shook their heads in disappointment and walked out of the court.
Am not the only child of my parents. I still have three siblings after me. The police came and handcuffed me and took me away
‘My plans has failed over them’
Richard’s pov
We left the court and went home “Richard, life imprisonment is too much ” Christabel said as she sank in to one of the couch.
“That’s true christabel, I thought she was going to be sentence for like five years, or seven Years.
“What a life! she really had to end up her life in prison ” She shrugged and faced me.
“What are you going to eat cause I know you will be tired ” she released a smile on her face .
“Anything you cook am gonna eat ” I said and placed a kiss on her lips and went upstairs to take my bath and change into something simple.
Am going to the office tomorrow.
Christabel’s pov
5 months later….
I and Richard relationship had been going smoothly and pure. I was about putting the last set of plantains in the hot oil when my phone rang.
“Hello sweetie ” I squeaked over the phone.
“Hi beauty, how are doing? “he asked happily on the phone.
“Am good, so what’s up? ” I asked anxiously.
“OK, I want you to leave whatever you are doing, am sending someone to pick you up ” he replied.
“Why? I mean…. ”
“No questions any further, am waiting ” he cut off the phone call.
“Hmm… there’s something fishy ” I quickly went upstairs and changed into something a simple outfit and in 25 minutes.
The gate was opened and I saw richard’s car come in but he wasn’t the one driving the car.
“Good morning ma’am, Sir Richard asked me to pick you up ” he bowed his head a little.
“OK let’s go ” I don’t know where his taking me to. He stopped at the Joy Collection.
we entered, a woman came to me and quickly place me on a sit and came back with a pink short gown and a 2 inches stiletto heels.
I wore it in the dressing room and came back looking stunning and I did my hair in a braided style and I was set to go.
‘ I still don’t know why richard is doing this ‘
I got to the address, and went in and I swear no one was here.
“Richard!! Richard!! Richard!! “I called out his name.
I took two steps when I saw a card with the description written :Follow the roses by your right, I looked at my right and saw the roses.
I held the card and keep tracing the roses. I stood when I saw a card on the floor written :WILL. I took it and kept going again, I saw another one YOU.
‘Gosh! this is serious ‘ I saw another one when I turned to my left MARRY.
My heart skipped.
“OMG! Will you marry? ” I asked myself when I joined the three cards together.
‘Am confused ‘ I traced the roses again and I saw someone in a blue suit backing me.
I couldn’t see him well “Hey! ” I swallowed hard and he turned.
“Richard! ” I said in a surprised tone, he was holding a ME card and was smiling. He moved closer to me and knelt on one knee.
‘Again? ‘
“Will you marry me christabel? ” He asked, and placed the card on the floor. He bought out a silver ring which has a sapphire blue stone on it.
it really looks expensive.
I don’t know what to say,am speechless.
“Richard… I love… you, and I’m going to marry you ” I stuttered.
“You have made me the happiest man Christa, I love you ” He said and placed a passionate kiss on my attractive lips.
Soon, I heard clapping and I saw Hannah, richard’s parents, my parents and others which I knew and which I don’t.
‘This is the happiest day of my life ‘
Epilogue dropping soon ⚡️✨❤️


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