My first breakup ( Complete Episode) Romantic story.

My first breakup.

Episode 01.

What a beautiful morning, I'm lazy to wake but after all i love to watch the sunrise so i quickly woke up and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and went to stand next to the balcony as i watch the sunrise. oh my name is Mathato I'm from Lesotho and obviously I'm Sotho. I'm 15 years old and I'm a beautiful girl. I'm addicted in watching the sunrise and the sunset, also addicted in star and moon gazing, watching scary movies is also my addict.
So here is the story, i have a crush on this guy who is the most handsome popular guy at school. I heard he play girls but i don't give a damn i like him, I've never dated before since i felt like i was not ready but I'm ready to start with this one. He's always greeting me at school and worst part is I'm shy of him but I'll get there though. He's doing the 12th grade and I'm only doing the tenth grade. So today I'm attending my Saturday class at 12 so i have to make sure i see him at school.
I'm at school and I'm not concentrating for the whole period I'm thinking of HIM. Weird i haven't seen HIM ever since i arrive here and now i think I've wasted my energy by coming here. My bestfriend asked what was wrong and i hid the fact that i have a crush on HIM because she'll find it weird.
Onthatile: are you okay? you've been looking left and right and i don't know what you fucking looking for.
Mathato: oh friend I'm okay please don't worry about me.
Onthatile: oh really? it's like you've lost something or someone.
Mathato: nah I'm okay, please accompany me to the pipe i really need to drink water before going home.
Onthatile: i thought we'll spend our day together window shopping but it seems like you ain't on the mood since you want to go home early.
Mathato: I'm having a bad day maybe next week we'll go there.
Onthatile: okay then let's go to the pipe.
On our way to the pipe i bumped to someone and when i was about to apologize i realize it was HIM.

My first breakup.

Episode 02.

Butterflies in my stomach and goosebumps scattered across my pale skin, I'm relieved that i finally saw him. My mood immediately uplifted, i was having a bad day but now that i saw him I'm thrilled. His name is Thato and he's handsome wtf.
Thato: oh hey it's you, i wanted to talk you.
Mathato: for real? about what?
Thato: can i have your tens? i will just call you and tell you what i wanted to talk to you about.
I then gave him my tens, i wonder what is it that he want to talk to me about. I was smiling none stop on our way home, my bestfriend kept on asking me if i had a crush at him and i kept on denying it. I suggested we should go to the mall and spend time together, she was surprised cause a few minutes ago i was insisting I'm not going. She was suspecting something until i tell her what is really going on.
Mathato: okay fine, here is the thing, you my bestfriend and i hate keeping secrets from you...
Onthatile: yes that's true.
Mathato: the thing is that i have an enormous crush on Thato...
Onthatile: (screamsssss) i knew it...
Mathato: please stop being dramatic, so i wasn't ready to tell it to you because you would find it weird.
Onthatile: no why on earth would i find it weird? liking someone is normal.
Mathato: not definitely for me because you know I'm not dating and stuff.
Onthatile: friend i would've understand, now let's go to the mall and after that you'll accompany me to my house to take my clothes i wanna make sleepover at your house.
Mathato: (screamsss) damn for real? I'm so excited I'm gonna spend the rest of the weekend with you.
Onthatile: yes baby.
We went to the mall to spend our time together, we firstly went shopping matching outfits and we went to MacDonald's to have our lunch there. We even took some cute pictures together and upload on social media. We went to her house to take her clothes as her mom was going to obviously agree on her sleeping over at my house.

My first breakup.

Episode 03

After eating dinner we went straight to my room and we started playing games, we firstly played hide and seek, then play ludo then after we watch movies on my laptop. When we were still watching a movie my phone rang and i picked it up. My bestfriend open her eyes wide while smiling at me after seeing whose call it was.
Mathato: hello (i put it on loud speaker)
Thato: hey beautiful, why are you still up this night?
Mathato: nothing i was just watching a movie with Onthatile.
Thato: oh I'm sorry for disturbing.
Mathato: no it's fine.
Thato: so when are you free? i wanna take you out.
Mathato: (i jumped) omg I'm free on weekend, but we can go on friday after school if you up with it.
Thato: it's fine with me beautiful, now lemme hung up so you can continue watching your movie.
Mathato: okay bye.
He hung up and i started jumping on the bed and i could see i was annoying my bestfriend so i hugged her. She was so happy that i was going out with someone i really like. We continued watching the movie until we slept. In the morning we found that my mom had made breakfast for us, she told us we should prepare ourselves for church. I don't like going to church but my parents always force to go there. So after eating we went to take a shower and after we were done we went inside the car and drove off to the church. Guess who i saw at church? Thato, wtf is he doing here? he never came to this church before so now I'm surprised what he want. After church he came to greet me, he was looking so handsome and the outfit he was wearing was looking good on him.
Thato: hey you look so beautiful.
Mathato: thank you, you also look good too.
Thato: (chuckling) thank you.
Mathato: since from when do you attend here?
Thato: today, i wanted to see you.
Mathato: (i could feel butterflies in my stomach) for real? I'm happy to see you though.
Thato: you capping right? but lemme go it seems like your parents are waiting for you.
Mathato: bye.

My first breakup.

Episode 04

Before i could go he hold my hand so romantically and he hugged me and i hugged him back. His scent was everything a soul could need, i realized a lot of people were passing by and it was so weird so i moved from him. I then send my last good bye as he blow kisses to me, i was smiling all the way to the car and my friend gave me a weird look as she was curious to know what happened but waiting for us to arrive at home so i can explain everything to her. When we arrive at home we ate our Sunday lunch then i took a walk with Onthatile after eating.
Onthatile: it seems like it's getting there.
Mathato: you mean?
Onthatile: the thing between you and Thato.
Mathato: oh yeah...
Onthatile: so what did he say?
Mathato: nothing, he just asked if he could take me out and i agreed.
Onthatile: wow nice!
Mathato: let's go buy chips and snow pies I'm craving for them.
Onthatile: sure.
When we come back home we wrote our homeworks and take a shower then go straight to bed as tomorrow was Monday and we suppose to go to school.
So it's break time and we chilling under the tree we eating our lunch as i see Thato coming towards us, i was happy so i stood up and hugged him as he grab my ass. He asked if we could go to his class and chill there, so i told him I'll come when i finish my lunch. Onthatile gave me a weird look again as she was surprise i was going to leave her for a boy. I told her she'll go chill with some of the boys we chill with at class she was okay with that though. So i went to Thato's class as i saw him sitting at the back so i went to him, he stood up and hug me again as he kisses me this time but i moved back he chuckles.
Thato: I've been waiting atleast you finally came.
Mathato: I'm sorry i was just walking slowly.
Thato: it's fine shawdy.
Mathato: (as i blush after hearing the word 'shawdy')
Thato: there's something i wanna tell you.
Mathato: oh what is it?
Thato: relax it's not something scary, it's just a confession.

Episode 05

Mathato: a confession? omg I'm curious right now please tell me.
Thato: it's not something scary so don't worry, i just wanted to make a confession about the huge crush i have for you, i mean you the most beautiful girl ever, yes I've dated pretty girl but you getting more attractive everyday i see you.
Mathato: (i blush) oh thank you so much.
Thato: how about we try a relationship and see if things will work between us?
Mathato: yeah it's fine by me, i also have a crush on you so yeah we can try.
Thato: damn! for real? imma love you till whenever baby.
He pulled my waist and grab my ass while kissing me and i kissed him back. I realized some of the people are staring at us so i definitely let go of him embarrassed so he notices but he was fine with it though. He accompanied me to my class while our fingers were interlocked. I found my bestfriend sitting on our desk with her hand on her left cheek and her left elbow on the desk so i approached her.
Mathato: Nthati I thought you would be with the gents I told you to go to them but you are here by yourself, why?
Onthatile: because why not? and I'm here by myself since i didn't want to be a nuisance to them.
Mathato: anyway let's drop it, guess what? me and Thato are now dating.
Onthatile: oh nice.
Mathato: wow! just nice?
She turned and show her back to me as it seems like she don't wanna talk to me. The rest of the day at school she didn't talk to me, after school she just said "goodbye" and she left without waiting for me. I was really hurt though, i met Thato at the gate and he accompanied me to my house. When i arrive at home i just ate my lunch then went straight to take a shower since it was very hot then i took a nap. At the evening when i woke up i found many text and missed calls from my bestfriend. So i called her to hear what she wanted.

Episode 06

Mathato: hello...
Onthatile: finally...
Mathato: i saw your missed calls, wassup?
Onthatile: oh i called to apologize for my reaction at school today.
Mathato: oh?
Onthatile: yeah, it's just that I'm used to this whole thing of spending break time with you, i don't like to chill with other people but you.
Mathato: i know.
Onthatile: I'm sorry and i promise, I'll get use to it.
Mathato: yeah i was hurt but after all it's cool.
Onthatile: wanna hang out?
Mathato: sure, will meet at the tuck shop.
Onthatile: see you.
So i took my headsets and my phone so i can listen to music on the way to the tuck shop, i met my bestfriend there and she hugged me and i hugged her back. We then buy some pies and sat next to the tuck shop and take some pictures. Later she accompany me to my house then she went to hers, i wrote my homeworks and went to sleep after.
In the morning she came to fetch me so we can catch the bus and not be late for for school. When we arrived at school Thato was standing at the gate with his gees, i saw Nthati's reaction changing immediately. She suggested her and Thato's gees should walk faster so they cannot disturb us, we were fine with it though. During break time she didn't mind to excuse us and chill with some gents from my class. I spent my break time with Thato and he was amazing like ever.
It's friday after school and i have to prepare for my date with Thato. So i rushed back home, i took a long hour bath and after i put on some make up and i was looking pretty, i wore my short black dress with my black hills. I styled my hair and do some edges to look more pretty. He called me and told me he was packing the car near the tuck shop. I tiptoed out of the house since i didn't want my parents to hear my steps, they were at their room though. I walked to the tuck shop and when he saw me coming he came out of the car to hug me so tight and i hugged him back.

Episode 07

He was looking so handsome, he was wearing his "The North Face" t-shirt and a skinny black jean with a "Jonathan D" shoe.
Thato: hey hunss.
Mathato: hello.
Thato: you look so gorgeous.
Mathato: thank you, you also looking handsome.
Thato: thank you, let's get inside the car.
He opened a door car for me then we drive off to a restaurant. It was a beautiful restaurant, i felt honoured when i get inside the gorgeous place. We ordered food and after some few minutes they served us our order. After eating we went to the floor to dance while ed Shareen "perfect" song was playing. We were kissing while dancing to this song, he was telling me how beautiful i am and how much he loves me.
At 8 pm he took me back home, i was thinking about him the whole night then at 12 am he called telling me he can't sleep cause he's thinking about me, so we had our midnight chat until we slumber and sleep.
Everything was going right and today we about to celebrate our 1 month so he told me i should visit his house to spend our day there. I wore my skirt and my body suit with my "airforce" sneakers. He came to fetch me then we drove to his house, he covered my eyes with his hands because he said he have a surprise for me. When he opened my eyes i was standing at his door room, there were roses on the floor from the door to the bed. I felt like crying honestly i hugged him so tight, he gave me a present bag and when i look inside it was a beautiful expensive perfume and a beautiful expensive necklace. Tears of joy finally run down my cheeks then he wipe them with his fingers. We sat on the floor where he prepared food and drinks, after eating we sat on the bed and start cuddling. While we were still kissing we heard a knock on the door, then boom it was my bestfriend.
Onthatile: guys I've been knocking and knocking.
Thato: sorry we didn't hear you.
Onthatile: I'm sorry if i disturbed but i just wanted to spend your 1 month together with y'all.
Mathato: oh?

My first breakup.

Episode 08

Thato: nah it's okay you can join us.
Onthatile: aww thank you so much Thato.
Mathato: come, we need to talk.
*pulling her to the bathroom*
Mathato: what are you doing here Nthati?
Onthatile: I've already told you the reason why I'm hear though.
Mathato: really? this was the day i was suppose to spend with him, him alone, just the two of us.
Onthatile: oh?
Mathato: just because you my bestfriend doesn't mean you have to interrupt my personal life.
Onthatile: oh I'm so sorry, i can leave if you want.
Mathato: it's fine you can stay, today was the last day of you doing this, you even had a gut to walk from the kitchen to his room yohhh, you didn't even tell me you're coming.
Onthatile: I'm sorry friend.
Mathato: it's okay, let's go.
We went back the bedroom then i insisted i want to go back home since i didn't like my bestfriend interfering, i didn't tell them the reason though. Thato accompanied us to my house then when he was gone i told Nthati to go to her house. I was angry at her, i didn't want to talk to her so she left as she was pleased. I kept on ignoring Thato's calls so i went to take a nap.
Onthatile's pov>>>
I tried calling her but it seems like her phone was off, i was not happy about her reaction earlier on. She have never acted like that before but today she did, strange. I called Thato to apologize for disturbing them but he was okay with it. Here is the secret I've been keeping from my bestfriend, i have a crush on Thato and I've never told my bestfriend about it. Now it hurts that my crush is dating my bestfriend. I always get jealous about them and they seem to be happy together but it won't last i swear to God. I have to find a way to split them because it always breaks my heart when i see them together.
Mathato's pov>>>
I woke up and my hair was messy as shit, I went to take a shower to feel a little bit better. After the shower i was feeling better, i took my phone and i saw some missed calls, 7 missed calls were from Thato...

Episode 09

The other 10 missed calls were from my bestfriend, dramatic. I called my boyfriend to tell him the reason why i was not answering his calls then he was okay with it. I didn't even bother to call my bestfriend cause i was still mad at him, for the first time in my life i was mad at her.
Onthatile's pov>>>
She was not answering my calls and my texts and this was starting to get in my nerves. I came up with an idea, i texted Thato and told him i was coming over. He was surprised but he didn't ask alot of questions he just said "okay". I wore my red tight dress and my airforce sneakers, i was really looking good. I applied my lipgloss and called an uber, it took me straight to his house. I rang the door bell and he opened immediately, he looked from my hair to my toes and he licked his lips and told me to get inside.
Thato: i was not expecting you to look this pretty Nthati.
Onthatile: aww thank you, I'm just here to apologize for what i did earlier on.
Thato: i forgave you though.
Onthatile: i felt like the apology was not enough you know.
*i bite my lower lip as i stand up and sit on his lap*
Thato: is there another way to apologize rather that one?
Onthatile: of course, lemme show you.
I kissed him and he kissed me back, the feeling was just amazing. He hold my waist as i was shaking my hips on his d*. We went to his room to finish our business there. After the nice moment i went back home, i was excited that i was finally able to fuck the guy i always wanted to fuck. I saw the text coming from my bestfriend and answered like there's nothing wrong i did.
Mathato's pov>>>
It was after 1 week now and my boyfriend had been acting weird and it scares me, I'm not ready to lose him. He's always giving me cold and late replies, he no longer call like he use to, when i ask for a meet up he always come up with an excuse that he's busy, at school he's always chilling with other girls and this breaks my heart. He just greet me and pass without giving me a hug or a kiss.

Episode 10

Onthatile: friend.
Mathato: mmmh?
Onthatile: what's wrong? you've been quiet lately is everything okay?
Mathato: uhm yeah.
Onthatile: no something is wrong, what are you hiding from me?
Mathato: friend, do you think he no longer loves me?
Onthatile: who?
Mathato: Thato.
Onthatile: why?
Mathato: don't you see a change? like his behavior ain't the same anymore.
Onthatile: maybe he found someone else.
Mathato: do you think so?
Onthatile: bruh men are trash so he might have moved on.
Mathato: without telling me?
Onthatile: he's just ghosting you, please forget about him.
Mathato: but Nthati i love him.
Onthatile: just try to un love him
Mathato: oh I'll try.
Onthatile: come here and lemme hug you.
She hugged me and i felt a bit better, all i needed was just a long tight hug. After school i saw Thato approaching my way, i tried to change direction but he followed me. He stopped me and I looked him in his eyes with anger in my heart.
Mathato: what do you want?
Thato: i just wanna talk to you about something.
Mathato: i don't wanna talk to you.
Thato: we supposed to talk about it though.
Mathato: whatever.
Thato: please listen to me Mathato.
*my heart breaks the moment he called me with my name, he never called me by my name before*
Thato: i know there's a little tension between us and i wanna end it by telling you the truth, i can't be with you anymore Mathato, and i know you'll like to know the reason but don't worry too much about it, please forget about me and I'll do the same, i hope you'll heal.
Mathato: (i could feel tears wanna come out) uhm no problem, thank you for coming clean.
Thato: thank you for understanding, bye.
He left and i also did the same, i was crying on my way back home, i ran to my room i threw my school bag on the floor and threw myself on the bed and screamed as i was putting my face on my pillow. Tears were falling uncontrollably, this hurt so much i can't believe he dumped me, but why? i thought our relationship was real...

Episode 11

I sat on the floor by my bed, hugging my knees to my chest. I got a call from my bestfriend and I didn't feel like answering. After some few minutes she knocked on bedroom door and i opened for her. She was surprise to see me in tears so she hugged me and i cried more. She asked what was going on and i struggled to talk as my voice was breaking and stucking. After some few minutes i started to explain what happened.
Mathato: we broke up, he came to me after school and dump me.
Onthatile: what? so this thing of ghosting you was serious?
Mathato: exactly!
Onthatile: i never liked that guy, he was never my favourite, I'm so glad he was able to leave you alone.
Mathato: yeah...and you were right, all men are trash, i no longer believe in love and I'm not ready to face another heartbreak.
Onthatile: first love will fuck you up man, we've all been there, you'll find another one though.
Mathato: no not now.
We all laughed, I'm so glad my bestfriend was there to comfort me during my first heartbreak. She has always been there for me and I'm so glad i never chose him over her even though we once had a fight just because of him but it's all in the past now.
My first breakup was not easy, i lost weight and i was always sad for no reason, every time when i saw him i felt like my love for him was growing but i had to stop it. It took me months to heal, i finally got my complexion and i made peace with my ex. I realized that pain takes time to heal, i finally moved on and dated this other guy named Tebogo. He was treating me well and i felt like everything he did reminded me of Thato but i kept on ignoring the feeling. Tebogo treated me like a queen and our relationship lasted for a long time, at first i didn't trust him but when time went by i trusted him but i was also scared to give him my whole heart.

The End.

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