Halim Novel by Nimra Ahmed complete pdf link


Halim Novel


By Nimra Ahmed

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This book is a collection of stories, written by Halim Nimra Ahmed. The title of the book describes itself: it is about how one should live and be contented with whatever situation he/she is in. The stories are about different situations that people face in their life and how they are able to deal with them. This book will enable you to understand what you want from life, how to achieve it and maintain that as a habit.

Halim Nimra Ahmed is a critically acclaimed Pakistani writer. Her novel "Halim Nimra Ahmed" (1982) tells the story of a man's inability to fit into society due to being different from others. It was published when she was just 14 and became an instant hit in Pakistan.

Halim Nimra Ahmed's new novel, The Dawn, is a love story that mixes the depth of classic literature with the contemporary. It blends love, tragedy, and politics. Its main character struggles to find her place in life and questions everything she thinks is true. As she grows older and wiser she discovers that sometimes perception is all you have.

Halim says that his novel is a story of love, mistrust, and betrayal. The story explains how two characters who were believed to be sisters are swapped while they are both undergoing chemotherapy treatments. After their identities are revealed, they find themselves looking at these lives from totally different perspectives. It's critical to note that one has been given the power to heal while the other has been denied that same opportunity. This is a powerful book that gives you a rare insight into ideology and social mores in a post-conflict setting during our modern era as well.

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